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HomeLatest NewsMaite Galdeano's shocking statements about her son Cristian Suescun

Maite Galdeano’s shocking statements about her son Cristian Suescun

Maite Galdeano He surprised more than one with his statements about his eldest son, the influencer and collaborator Cristian Suescun. While family tension grows day by day, the one from Pamplona does not want to keep quiet. He wants everyone to know the truth and has revealed the reason why he does not have a good relationship with Cristina. He claims that he had to leave him with his father when he was little because he was “a bad apple” and could harm Sofía Suescun. Maite says her son came home “with red eyes” and he couldn’t allow the problem to “infect” anyone else.

In the midst of an emotionally charged environment, Maite Galdeano arrived on the set of “Friday!” with a clear goal: to be heard and ask forgiveness from her daughter Sofía. After a summer full of scandals and mutual reproaches, she admitted to having been a smothering and overly controlling mother, admitting that her desire to protect Sofía may have distanced her. “I could have been very stifling,” he said honestly.These words reflect a desire to correct his mistakes and to restore the relationship with his daughter, a relationship that was mortally wounded.

The difference between Sofia and Cristian Suescun

Maite seems repentant when she talks about her daughter, but her tone changes radically when she talks about Cristian Suescun. The bond between mother and son has been complicated, with several episodes of public confrontations that have clearly shown Maite’s favoritism towards Sofía. During her participation in “Survivors 2020”Cristian expressed his pain by saying that his mother never told him “I love you” I hadn’t even given him a kiss. These words were a painful revelation for many fans of the program, showing a family reality where affection seems to have been absent.

Cristian Suescun, on Telecinco. (Photo: ‘TardeAR’)

The situation became more tense when Cristian remembered a key episode of his life: the separation of his parents. “My parents separated when I was 15, my sister was 5,” he says, visibly affected. According to him, this separation marked the beginning of his estrangement from his mother. A judge ruled that Cristian should stay with his fatherwhile Maite remained with Sofía, whom, according to Cristian, he monopolized since then, depriving her of a normal childhood. This family breakup marked a before and after and it must be influenced to understand what is happening now.

In his attempt to explain his distance from Cristian, the former candidate of ‘GH’ He made statements that left everyone perplexed, including collaborator Terelu Campos, who could not help but show her discomfort. Maite said that, during Cristian’s adolescence, she decided to “leave Cristian because otherwise it means putting a rotten apple in the fruit bowl and it will rot the other one.” This sentence demonstrates the deep resentment between mother and son. The allusion to Cristian as a “rotten apple” did not please anyone and Galdeano found himself in a very disadvantaged situation.

Maite Galdeano does not forgive Cristian Suescun

Maite justified her mistake by citing “habits” Cristian’s teenage years, such as coming home late and with red eyes. She insists that she did everything for the good of her family, but the public thinks that she rejected her son because she was always obsessed with Sofía Suescun.

The conflict between Maite Galdeano and her children is not new. It is the result of years of accumulated tensions and misunderstandings. The one from Pamplona has made public her differences with Sofía on social networks, accusing her daughter of having thrown her out of the house and pointing to Kiko Jiménez as responsible for this situation.

Galdeano wants to fix things with Sofía, he even offered her therapy to work on their relationship. This effort at reconciliation, however, does not seem to extend to Cristian, who has been left out of these attempts at rapprochement. At the other end of the news we find Kiko Jiménezwho traveled to Abu Dhabi with his girlfriend to distance himself from the issue.

The words of Maite Galdeano Regarding Cristian, they made it clear that the bond between the two is at a critical point, with wounds that seem difficult to heal. While Maite tries to reconnect with Sofía, the future of her relationship with Cristian remains uncertain. Harsh words and lack of affection They have created a barrier between mother and child that, for now, seems insurmountable.

THE influencer He positioned himself next to his brother. I can’t take it anymore and he finally realized that his mother had behaved completely unfairly. This is the reason for which he issued a restraining order against her and refuses to live under the same roof again.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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