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HomeBreaking News"Burn the migrant hotels"

“Burn the migrant hotels”

Mass deportation now, burn down all those damn hotels full of bastards as far as I’m concerned… If that makes me racist, so be it.” This message on the social network Lucie Connollywife of a British Conservative Party adviser.

The wife of West Northamptonshire (England) Tory councillor Raymond Connolly wrote this inflammatory tweet against asylum seekers last July 29, the day of Multiple knife attack in Southport (Merseyside) in which a 17-year-old boy killed three girls with a knife and injured eight other minors and two adults in a leisure center.

A series of messages circulated on social networks indicated that the perpetrator of the stabbing attack was a “17-year-old asylum seeker”which generated a wave of violent riots promoted by far-right groups across the country, which ended in 12,180 people arrestedThe attacker was 17 years old, but he was not a foreigner. but a young man born in Wales. A duck which Lucy Connolly, like thousands of English people, swallowed.

For your controversial publication On social media, the wife of the Conservative councillor and nanny by profession had to appear before Northampton Crown Court on Monday, after being arrested twice last month.

In a brief online appearance of just seven minutes, Lucy Connolly has been declared guilty post threatening or abusive material with intention of incitement to racial hatred.

After hearing her testimony, Judge Adrienne Lucking KC told the woman that her case would be transferred to Birmingham, where another judge will pass sentence to avoid any possible bias, given her husband’s political stance.

It was no use to Lucy Connolly that a few weeks ago, after deleting her tweet, excuse me for writing it based on “false and malicious” information and will even delete your account on XLhas The magistrate issued him a warning on Monday: “It is likely that hehas The sentence includes a substantial prison term.” “In the meantime, you are in preventive detention” he concluded.

“She is the opposite of a racist”

At the courthouse gates, the West Northamptonshire councillor defended his wife in front of reporters. “She is the opposite of a racist”, he stressed, trying to justify her as a “boring housewife” after hearing false information on television about the Southport knife attacks.

Elsie Dot Stancombe, Bebe King and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, the three girls murdered in Southport.


The counselor explained that Lucy gets “angry” when a child is hurt, I remember Harry’s death, the son of both.

He A baby boy died in 2012 at just 19 months old from dehydration after a series of basic errors by NHS doctors, national service Health from the United Kingdom.

The Connollys took the little boy to the hospital with severe diarrhea and vomiting, where he was misdiagnosed as having stomach ailments and sent home. Two days later, the family was ordered to return, but once again were turned away by medical staff.

Later, another doctor, this one a general practitioner, failed to diagnose the real problem. The Conservative Party adviser discovered his son was not breathing when he woke up at four in the morning.

“She knows she has gone too far and there will be consequences. I hope he can learn from this and move on with his life.”he concluded.




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