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HomeBreaking NewsDutch Mocro Maffia Woman Was Girlfriend of Hitman's Brother Who Shot Vidal...

Dutch Mocro Maffia Woman Was Girlfriend of Hitman’s Brother Who Shot Vidal Quadras

The puzzle of the attempted assassination of Alejo Vidal-Quadras seems to be coming to an end with the arrest of a new person involved, the seventh in the plot, the brother of Mehrez Ayari, the hitman who pulled the trigger that morning of November 9. in the center of Madrid. This new arrested person, of Tunisian nationality, belonged to one of the most powerful clans of the Mocro Maffia. In turn, he was the boyfriend of a dutch girl also a member of the same clan, and who was arrested last April by the national police.

The three participated directly in the plot and constitute the axis around which the investigation has revolved in recent months. According to sources of the investigation, they reveal to EL ESPAÑOL that the person now arrested is the one who provided the weapon to Ayari to commit the crime. The researchers emphasize to this newspaper, They had it on their radar from the start.because they had communications from him talking about the organization of the crime.

In turn, was aware of the follow-ups that the hitman executed in Madrid on his prey, the former leader of the PP and founder of Vox. Proof of this is one of the videos that the hitman recorded of Vidal-Quadras two weeks before shooting him, during a demonstration against the amnesty law in the center of Madrid.

On the other hand, the wife of 30 yearsof Moroccan origin and Dutch passport, He would help choose the hitman as well as his partner for the organization that gave the order to commit the crime.

The closest and easiest option was to choose the brother of the now arrested man, a guy who had already committed other similar crimes for a Mocro Maffia family. In turn, this woman was in Madridaround the politician’s house, follow up.

The Dutch woman played an important role in financing the attack. In addition, she studied the habits of the former Spanish politician and prepared the crime with the rest of those involved, as confirmed by sources close to the investigation.

Other sources close to the investigation explained to this newspaper that this young woman was in charge of sending money to the members of the group to pay for the preparation of the attack on Núñez de Balboa Street, in the centre of Madrid, in broad daylight.

With this money, which the police found when checking the accounts of the detainees, they paid for the motorcycle with which the shooter arrived at the scene of the crime and with which he fled. The same motorcycle that appeared later burned and this was the key to pulling the thread and finally finding those responsible for the attempted murder.

The woman, after participating in the preparation of the attack, left Spain. Judge Santiago Pedraz, president of the Central Court of Instruction 5 of the National Court, issued a European Arrest Order (OEDE) and an International Arrest Order (OID) as soon as the woman’s involvement was known.

About this triangle with two members of this formidable criminal organization and a hired gunman from the same group, the National Police It already brings together many solid elements to argue that Iran could be the origin of the intellectual paternity of the crime. As Vidal-Quadras himself explained, there are Mocro Maffia families that have already worked for Iran in the past, and this hypothesis that he has defended from the beginning is gaining in consistency today.

Other prisoners

The other four detainees, captured before Ayari, his brother and this woman, are young men aged 20 to 30. Almost all of them, with little or no experience in the world of organised crime. They were the first to fall and the ones who led investigators to the real conspirators of the plot.

The first detainees were Naraya Gómez Mala and his girlfriend. As reported by EL ESPAÑOL, this young man is a convert to Shiite Islam living in Lanjarón (Granada).This religious branch of Islam is the majority in Iran, the country on which all suspicions regarding the intellectual paternity of the attack rest.

According to investigators, he participated both in the preparation of the attack and in the previous surveillance of the politician, carried out in collaboration with the hitman. Gómez Mala’s girlfriend, a British national, was also arrested, but was quickly released provisionally, as she had no direct connection with the events.

The second of those arrested is called Adriena young man who was in Malaga at the beginning of the investigation. The police maintain that he was the one who bought the motorcycle and he registered it in his name at the request of the first, even though, as he stated before the judge, he did not know what the vehicle was going to be used for.

In fact, one of the first clues obtained by the General Information Commission (CGI) of the National Police was the discovery of the burnt motorcycle, as revealed by EL ESPAÑOL.

The agents of this police unit found it burned the same afternoon as the crime, on November 9, in an industrial area of ​​Fuenlabrada (Madrid). This was the first and most important thread that they pulled and that led to the success of the investigation. The criminals forgot to completely erase the serial number of the vehicle, which allowed the police to find the organizers of the attack.

Last January, the National Police managed to locate and arrest on the Colombian border Greg Oliver Higuera Marcanopseudonym MakiaAccording to the investigation, he was the one who obtained the motorcycle with which the alleged hitman went to Vidal-Quadras’ house and shot the politician.

By analyzing her checking accounts, investigators would find the trail that led to the Dutch woman, and with her to her boyfriend, the brother of the hitman who perpetrated the crime.




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