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HomeLatest NewsUsera to launch new parking meters on September 16

Usera to launch new parking meters on September 16

The Regulated Parking Service (SER) continues to grow outside the M-30. From September 16, the Moscardó neighborhood will have 3,100 new parking spaces for residents (2,743 green and 357 blue). This will be the first time in Usera that these new parking meters will start operating, after the District City Council conducted a neighborhood consultation this summer, with favorable results, for their implementation. The area has been affected in recent years by the “border effect” with the city center and, above all, with Madrid Río and Matadero, which made it increasingly difficult for residents to park their vehicles on the street.

This new car park, the marking of which has already begun, will be delimited by the streets of Manuel Noya, Paseo de Santa María de la Cabeza, Avenue Manzanares and Marcelo Usera Street. Residents of the neighborhood can now request a parking permit from the Línea Madrid citizen assistance offices, through the website or by calling the free number 010.

At the end of the year, the Moscardó SER area will be expanded and the service will also be extended to Almendrales and Pradolongowhere residents also voted, in the popular consultation held last July, in favor of the creation of 9,559 spaces distributed in the three neighborhoods. Those of Moscardó were the most inclined to install the new parking meters, with 70.93% of favorable votes against 62.73% and 63.13% of Almendrales and Paradolongo, respectively.

Fountain: Madrid City Hall / ABC

Fountain: Madrid City Hall / ABC

Thirteen new districts

Since the arrival of José Luis Martínez-Almeida at the capital’s city hall, regulated parking has been implemented in thirteen neighborhoods in five districts since January 2020: Valdezarza (Moncloa-Aravaca district); Puerta del Ángel and Los Cármenes (Latina); Ventas, Colina, San Pascual, Quintana, Pueblo Nuevo, Concepción, San Juan Bautista and Atalaya (Ciudad Lineal); San Isidro (Carabanchel) and, now, Moscardó (Usera). In total, 30,205 places were won: 28,520 (94.4%) for residents and 1,685 (5.6%) blue or rotating places.

The amendment to the sustainable mobility ordinance, approved on September 13, 2021, already provided in its article 57 for the extension of the SER to twenty new districts of the city presenting parking problems as long as there is “prior favorable agreement of the corresponding district council” and “the neighbours concerned and the neighbourhood associations” were consulted.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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