Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:22 pm
HomeLatest News"You don't abandon a project for a tree or two"

“You don’t abandon a project for a tree or two”

It doesn’t matter that he is the protagonist of the Paralysis of important projects in Pamplona with the excuse that they were involved cut down trees. He Mayor of Pamplona, ​​Joseba Asirónhad no qualms about selling off more than 100 copies in the Beloso Coast and uproot 7 robust poplars from the central reservation Iturrama Street build a giant pedestrian crossing.

Although this is very serious, it is even more serious that it has paralyzed a project of such magnitude and enormous interest for the city of Pamplona, ​​such as the redevelopment of Paseo Sarasate clinging to the argument that this implied that cut down trees.

Now, from the town hall, and with the baton of command in his hand, he ignores everything the opposition says and this Monday publicly acknowledged that its Sarasate redevelopment project would cause “distress”which is nothing more than a technical euphemism to designate – as he called it from the opposition – “arboricides“.

So this Monday made fun of publicly of Massive felling of trees in Beloso or in Iturrama to carry out their projects and assured that “of course, We are not going to condition a city project on a tree or two.“.

He said this in reference to the Sarasate project, which he said “was approached from two parameters: the single platform and the conservation of trees, two ‘inalienable principles’.” If that means at any time investigationa few isolated cutOf course, we are not going to condition a city project for a tree or two,” he said.

Just below it refers to the underground parking project on the Plaza de la Cruz that he himself paralyzed (with the agreement of the socialists of Pamplona, the same ones who are silent today in the face of arboricides) because “it was an initiative whose very purpose was remove trees in one of the few places where there are quality trees.

It must be that the Poplars of Iturrama or a hundred trees of the Cuesta de Beloso they did not reach quality standards for this government team and They didn’t deserve to give shadebut to be reduced given that “of course, we are not going to condition a city project on a tree or two”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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