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HomeLatest NewsCordoba faces autumn with twice as much water as last year

Cordoba faces autumn with twice as much water as last year

Cordoba faces the arrival in a few autumn days with twice as many water reserves in its marshes which was just a year ago. According to data from the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation (CHG), between September 1, 2023 and 2024, the difference in the total volume retained reaches 447 cubic hectometres, with a capacity percentage that has gone from 14% to 28%. A panorama that has nothing to do with the worrying climate that reigned at the time due to a drought with increasingly pressing effects and the drama of the northerners who continued to live without water for human consumption.

All reservoirs in the basin have improved their reserves, but not all in the same way. Given the lack of significant rainfall in recent months, it can be said that all are living off the income left by the heavy Easter rains and a few weeks that followed, which in addition to leaving exceptional records, chased away the ghosts of harsh restrictions. Now that 28.4% of water stored in Cordoba It is almost five points lower than the Andalusian average of 33% and only Granada is below these levels (27.3%).

Iznájar, the one with the largest capacity in all of Andalusia, is currently at 20.5% with 189 cubic hectometres of the 920 it has (149 was its record a year ago). The two reservoirs from which the capital of Córdoba is supplied offer a horizon clear of any doubt. Guadalmellato This is precisely the first one in which the city is connected. San Rafael de Navallana the one who completes the first in case of famine.

Thus, in the first case, its capacity is close to almost 80% with 116 cubic hectometres of water: almost triple what it maintained just a year ago (45 hectometres). For the second, the coverage is almost 50% and the gain over the last twelve months reaches 12 cubic hectometres. As he took it upon himself to repeat Emacsa In recent months, domestic consumption has been more than guaranteed for the capital.

Location of La Breña

The two reservoirs that supply the north of the province of Córdoba are also living in an idyllic situation compared to the situation of last 2023. According to CHG data, the beginning of September arrives with Sierra Boyera -from where Guadiato and Los Pedroches are supplied at the moment thanks to the intervention of the Provincial Council of Cordoba– at 57.2%. If today it has 23 cubic hectometres, just a year ago it was empty and in March it reached 70%.

In the case of New bridgeits capacity is at 28% (11% in September) thanks to the almost 79 cubic hectometres that it maintains compared to the previous 31.1. It should be remembered that the Andalusian Government is about to award the works of the La Colada supply network to improve distribution and reactivate a marsh where the regional administration still yesterday maintained the ban on bathing.

The Breña, in the municipality of Almodóvar del Río, the other “giant” of the hydraulic infrastructure of Córdoba, is the one that offers the worst data. It is currently at 14.5% of its maximum capacity of 823.4 hectometres. It is true that it has improved by almost four points in this period (around 30 hectometres). Finally, The Sand (Montoro) is also at the low capacity thresholds with 23.8%, but has improved by almost ten points in the last year.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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