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HomeLatest NewsWhat's best for dogs and cats according to vets

What’s best for dogs and cats according to vets

Infectious diseases transmitted by fleas and ticks, Babesia, Ehrlichia, LeishmaniasisThese are just some of the consequences that our pets can suffer if we do not deworm them properly.

Not only that, but we must bear in mind that antiparasitic methods not only serve to prevent and eliminate parasites in our dogs and cats, but also to prevent them at home, since – although it is not very common – there are some parasites that we can share from animals and humans.

Collars, pipettes and pills are the most common antiparasitic options. Among them, hundreds of brands and styles make it difficult for us to choose the one that best suits each case. Although to choose the ideal one we should always consult our veterinarian, it is essential to know the advantages and disadvantages of each of them to provide the best possible care to the animals.


The effects of most antiparasitic collars usually last between five and eight months, making them one of the most comfortable options for pet owners due to two factors: they require infrequent applications and their placement is very simple.

Furthermore, as Pablo Martínez Casares, a veterinarian specializing in small animals at the Triunfo Jardín Clinic (Granada), explains, “this system offers continuous protection, as it ensures a constant release of active ingredients, which can be effective against fleas and ticks.” However, there are some drawbacks to consider, such as “possible skin irritation in some animals sensitive to the materials or ingredients.”

“Not all collars are equally effective and some may not work well in certain conditions,” says Martínez, “and not all are adjustable, which can be a problem for animals of different sizes.”

For her part, Inmaculada Pérez, veterinarian at the Plaza de España Clinic (Cádiz), points out that “they are not a good option for nervous puppies: they can lose it or even bite it and poison themselves, because they are impregnated with insecticides that, even if they have a slow release, they can poison you.

Regarding cats, it is well known that they do not cope well with changes and are prone to stress. For this reason, Martínez points out that “collars can be a stress factor for felines; however, in the case of dogs, as they usually wear a collar when they go for a walk, it is not a factor that usually stresses them.


“Most antiparasitic pipettes are characterized by being fast-acting, eliminating parasites in a short time and being easy to apply to the skin,” explains Martínez.

There is a wide variety of formulations available, so much so that they can even be found in supermarkets. However, in the words of veterinarian Pérez, “the pipettes available in supermarkets are usually repellent products and therefore that is their function. Yes, I have seen veterinary pipettes on prescription in some department stores, these are the ones I recommend.

Martínez points out that “it is best to buy them in veterinary centers, since some cases of poisoning have been seen in supermarkets.” If we choose to apply them ourselves, just follow the instructions on the leaflet: “Normally they are applied to the part of the animal’s withers, between the neck and the back, the hairs are open and the liquid can fall out,” explains the veterinarian.

Pérez emphasizes the importance of “keeping the pipettes out of reach of children, even when the dog or cat is applying them. Therefore, if there are small children at home, it is better to use pills to avoid possible poisoning.

There are monthly or quarterly pipettes, so the application will be more frequent than with collars. In addition, “some parasites can develop resistance to certain active ingredients over time and if the animal licks the area where the pipette has been applied, it can ingest the product, which can be dangerous, hence the importance of applying it correctly,” explains Martínez.


Both veterinarians agree that antiparasitic pills are a very effective method for eliminating both internal and external parasites. According to Martínez, “many of these pills also help prevent future infestations, which is crucial for your pet’s health.”

However, this is perhaps one of the most complicated methods for owners to apply. For example, it can be very complicated to give medication to some cats and dogs, “so in these cases we always recommend administering a pipette for good prevention,” explains Pérez.

The antiparasitic pill is perhaps the option that most requires the supervision of a professional, since “it is very important to administer the correct dose according to the weight and age of the animal,” explains Martínez. “Some animals may experience side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea or allergic reactions or, even over time, some parasites can develop resistance to certain medications, which can make them less effective.”

Pérez reaffirms the importance of taking into account the most frequent parasites in each area, as well as the animal’s lifestyle: “In the south, for example, it is very common for dogs to bathe in swimming pools or in the sea. Therefore, in this region, In this case, the use of pipettes and collars may not be the most appropriate option, especially because continuous washing reduces effectiveness, in most cases.

Is it advisable to use multiple methods at the same time?

The veterinarian is clear about this: “To prevent the same parasite, it does not make much sense to use two products, in fact, sometimes we see poisonings associated with them. Although you can combine products that cover different aspects: for example, we can use a pipette against fleas and ticks and combine it with a pill that covers flatworms, roundworms and filariae.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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