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HomeLatest NewsArmengol supports the agreement on the fiscal independence of Catalonia

Armengol supports the agreement on the fiscal independence of Catalonia

The leader of the PSOE in the Balearic Islands, Francine Armengol, He stands out from a good part of the socialist barons and openly defends the agreement with Catalonia which includes both the fiscal agreement and the collection of all taxes by Catalonia. Generality. Contrary to the opposing position expressed by more than half of the socialist federations, Armengol considers that Catalonia’s funding is “an opportunity” for the Balearic Islands.

Furthermore, the general secretary of the Balearic Islands socialists criticised the fact that the president of the government, Marga Prohensjoin what your party leader says, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo“whatever you say, and do not have the courage to demand what is good for the Balearic Islands.”

Socialist leaders have criticised the fact that the Balearic Executive does not explain the singularities of the community, such as overpopulation and lack of funding. Armengol demanded that Prohens not give up “anything” when there is “an open debate, interesting as an Autonomous Community and because we want to ensure that people live better.”

Armengol made these statements while she was president of the Balearic Islands. He forgot to ask Pedro Sánchez for better funding for the Islands. The then Prime Minister even defended in 2022 that the financing system was giving good results for the Balearic Islands. According to Armengol, thanks to the agreement reached with the Zapater Government0The Balearic Islands received around 670 million more in 2022 than the previous year.

While Armengol defends the single financing for Catalonia agreed by the CPS with the ERC with the approval of Pedro Sanchez, Several autonomous federations of the PSOE continue to fight against this agreement, calling this Catalan quota “unconstitutional” and describing this bilateral formula as an “economic agreement” despite the government’s refusal to use these terms.

The PSOE of Aragon led by Javier Lamban has seized its Regional Executive to unanimously reject this tax agreement between PSC and ERC, which means that Catalonia leaves the common financing regime and begins to collect one hundred percent of taxes.

Likewise, the socialists of Aragon have presented an initiative to Parliament in which they explicitly declare their rejection of the economic agreement reached with ERC and commit themselves to the renewal of the regional financing system “without privileges” of any kind.

In recent days, the socialist president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano Garcia-Pagealso warned that this new single model for Catalonia in terms of financing is “unconstitutional”, thus adding new criticism to this agreement with ERC.

Precisely, the president of Castilla-La Mancha has been the most critical socialist leader of the agreement between the ERC and the PSC, going so far as to make an institutional statement in which he declared that he would not support single funding for Catalonia.

Meanwhile, the president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens (PP), demands that the reform of the autonomous financing system be carried out “jointly” by Sánchez and reiterates that “she cannot accept a bilateral negotiation with an autonomous community” and that “interregional solidarity and the “single box” of the financing system are broken.

Armengol insists on limiting rents

The former President of the Government announced that in the current legislative course, the PSOE of the Balearic Islands will propose a rent cap “for our citizens because the inhabitants of this country cannot develop a life project.” In this sense, he considered the lack of housing as one of the most urgent problems suffered by Balearic society, especially “the middle and working class.”

Specifically, he expressed that “the market does not regulate rights, it regulates ambitions” and that, therefore, the legislative initiative that the PSIB will propose “He wants to limit the price of rents in areas in difficulty, which should have already happened a year ago as Catalonia does, where it bears good fruit. “We will see what the right votes against a right that is fundamental,” he stressed.

In the same vein, he warned that a public policy of promoting housing improves “the quality of life” of the inhabitants, after recalling that in the Balearic Islands there was “a very strong growth of the population.”

Regarding the economic model, Armengol spoke in favor of “putting limits on many things and regulating many things that are not, proposing future solutions in the face of the inaction of the right.”

On the other hand, he defended his management by recalling that during his two terms, the arrival of cruise ships and tourist sites was limited, in addition to having regulated vacation rentals and the ban on multi-family homes in many regions.

On the other hand, he also expressed his concern about some “very serious problems that are becoming normal” and, in this sense, he criticized the “instability” that he considers exists in the Consell de Formentera or the fact that there is no budget in the Council of Menorca.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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