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HomeLatest NewsExplanations. Lots and lots of explanations.

Explanations. Lots and lots of explanations.

The Director General of Economy and Statistics of the Bank of Spain, Ángel Gavilán, must have been receiving a loudspeaker when he assured this week that “in the next 30 years, 24 million migrant workers will be needed to maintain the relationship between workers and retirees and thus perpetuate the pension system

It will be a terrible avalanche, a furious hurricane. Do not expect the Government, here it is, frozen, finds itself, since yesterday, why wait, a persistent, tireless and exhausting snowstorm. What’s new? Stick and fire, the attacks will be made by land, sea and air, unleashed the leadership of the PP under the command of the very moderate Alberto Núñez Feijóo, what a focused guy. Escorted by the dragon Tellado, the burly bodyguard who always accompanies the gentle boss in the movies. Themes to use? Any small matter will do, like pork and tuna, noble animals of the land and sea. A colleague of The avant-garde I recently remembered a phrase from former French President Jacques Chirac: “Problems come in squads.” And that’s how it is. But let’s choose, for now and to start the dance, two main ones: One, immigration: the Moors and the blacks take our jobs, rape our women and occupy our homes, we must start defending ourselves, says the lawless patriot Abascal. And second, regional funding, Catalonia with a sheet and phantom chains that scare the rest of the poor Spaniards, watch out, the evil ogre is devouring us – and robbing us.

Of course, both issues have their substance. The first of them, immigration, a somewhat forced interest due to the concerted action of the extreme right in the country and in the rest of Europe – there is Thuringia and Saxony – not to mention the Trumpist proclamations and their murderous Mexicans. But the problem, exaggerated, undoubtedly exists and could get worse if we do not act intelligently. At the same time, the human rights of those who leave what little they have in search of a better future are respected, an aspect that deserves so little attention from the very Catholic leaders of Vox and PP, candle-sucking and self-righteous. but relentless to the point of cruelty when it comes to showing, in truth, not just lip service, help to other human beings in need. Aporophobia and racism, crossed with each other, their characteristics. It seems useless to reason. But it will have to be done. And explain again, like a hammer, that in 2023, Social Security collected almost 18 billion in social contributions from foreigners, out of the 184,000 euros collected in total. And this figure continues to increase: this year, 11.3 billion were collected in just seven months, again according to Social Security data. Or give a speech to the Director General of Economy and Statistics of the Bank of Spain, Ángel Gavilán, when he assured this week that “in the next 30 years, 24 million migrant workers will be needed to maintain the relationship between workers and retirees and thus support the pension system.”

And what about that “single funding” agreement – ​​a nice discovery – for Catalonia to appoint Salvador Illa as President of the Generalitat. Of course, this must be well explained to the rest of the Spanish citizens. Sánchez and Vice-President Montero announced that there would be no unfair distribution of public funds in favour of Catalonia to the detriment of the other Communities. What a cute kitten, but come here my dear friends and explain to me please. With figures. The old woman’s tale. You so much and they so much. We are going to proceed in this way and that way to respect equality between the inhabitants of Huércal-Overa, Almería, and those of Sant Sadurní d’Anoia, Barcelona. Once launched, perhaps they could also explain, in the same class, why the queen of vermouth shows solidarity among the Spaniards and allows the richest in Madrid to pay less tax than those in Cáceres. Does Isabel Díaz Ayuso benefit from a papal dispensation that we are unaware of regarding tax dumping with other autonomies?

Matters of state, you think, that would require the participation of all democrats. The Eye will remind you of a story that it has already written once. At the beginning of the 1990s, José María Aznar – everything that has happened since then in Spain begins in the same way: “José María Aznar…” – said it very clearly to the Minister of the Interior at the time. PSOE, José Luis Corcuera, is now circulating in other gardens: “Forget it”, the young Aznar of the time came to tell the minister, after having assumed the legacy of the Popular Alliance of the formidable Manuel Fraga, “that from now on we are going to respect the issue of terrorism – with the murders and the unmeasured kidnappings of ETA – as a matter of state. We are going to go all out, as with any other issue. “We are going to use it mercilessly in the political struggle.”

And here it is, thirty years later, the PP. Without leaving the mud, their natural space, see how happily the hippos wallow in the mud. This is how Mariano Rajoy did politics, “the dead are betrayed,” he told Zapatero, and this is how the new kid, Pablo Casado, did it, and this is how Alberto Núñez Feijóo supports him. Hard wing of the PP, do the good people maintain it? Well no, gentlemen, no, there is only one wing, that of Núñez, that of Gamarra, that of Tellado, that of Isabel Díaz Ayuso or that of Albiol. Do you hear a popular leader protesting against the misdeeds of these? Mazón, Mañueco, Sémper, so dapper? So that’s what it is. In the sector labeled politician. And what about the media, the renewed crime syndicate, with several names repeated in the infamous list of yesterday and today, and something will have to be said, at some point, of the Judicial Party, which is having fun outside the walls. And if they add to the armored division of the right the regular troops of the pages and the lambanesWhat loyal people, hey, hanging on to the right van badly, they already have a Stephen King nightmare.

The volcano has already exploded, the lava is coming towards our valleys and we must decide what to do in the face of the terrible wave of fire. Take a deep breath. Do not be afraid, Pedro Sánchez, you have already seen, is not an easy piece to dismantle. But we must act quickly and energetically. The Government and its very astute advisers will know which direction to take, but let the Eye, always so pedantic, formulate some suggestions. For now, this political year must be the year of speaking, of explaining, of confronting, of confronting problems in public. First of all to the citizens. This is not a trivial matter; the Government will have to, at some point, take information policy seriously. Spend hours in public appearances in the various media, but also in press conferences. With questions from journalists, please. And if they bother, garlic and water. Prepare your answers well and show your intelligence and good work. If they can justify their political actions in this way. By the way, when did these pompous proposals for democratic regeneration come from?

Second, make this already called Party Congress an important event, high-flying, certainly unifying, but also programmatic. Remove the seal of the Sánchez dictatorship and distribute the game within the party. Territorial cohesion is the mother of the lamb. Rearm? Of course. And in addition to clearly explaining the most controversial policies, we return to immigration and, above all, regional financing, the horse in the room, being clear that we must win again, or at least try, in Andalusia and Madrid. Without votes, there is no paradise. Who said things would be easy?

And while these things are being done, day after day, without respite, they go to Congress and the Senate and fight. To the brave. They want to fight, because we will have to accept it and decide if we all get dirty or if we leave them the manure. But always, always, speaking and showing your face. Not a step back and not a hidden minister. Because we take it for granted that Hereu, Rego, Planas, Torres, Morant or Bustinduy may not have the spirit – it’s a saying – of Puente, but they will know how to speak and defend their leadership as stupid as the head of Transport. Other duties to take home? Well yes, demonstrate now, today, that the coalition government is just that, a coalition. And Sumar must remove the banner, we still exist, we will work hard so that you believe in it. And then there is how to manage Esquerra, an enigma, and especially Junts, an arcane. Perhaps use scapulomancy? We will return to this section in the coming weeks, but all of them, the parties that gave Sánchez the majority, must understand that only the strengthening of this precarious unity guarantees them a future of dignity and progress.

No, we have not forgotten Begoña Gómez. Neither has the opposition.

Finally, if you told me to make a wish, I would prefer a cloud tail, a whirlwind on the ground and a great anger rising, a sweeper of sadness that would take these togas to another galaxy, you know their names and surnames, that they despise democracy and mock justice.

(Silvio Rodríguez, free version).

Addendum. We all wish Kamala Harris would bury madman Donald Trump into the oblivion of history, the seven plagues embodied in one bizarre criminal. But if the Eye were a citizen of Cincinnati, Ohio, then it would be The left eyeof course – and if he had the chance to face the Democratic candidate, he would loudly tell her something similar to this: “Be careful, you will surely have my vote, but you are obliged to do something important to end this misery.” world leader Benjamin Netanyahu and end the inhuman suffering of the Palestinians. So yes, without a doubt, I surrender at your feet, Kamala Harris, hard and around the neck of the blond monster.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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