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HomeBreaking NewsThe State Duma asks the FSIN to create a special prison -...

The State Duma asks the FSIN to create a special prison – EADaily, September 3, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

State Duma deputy Ivan Sukharev (LDPR faction) sent a letter to the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Arkady Gostev, with a proposal to create a prison on the Spitsbergen archipelago or Novaya Zemlya exclusively for terrorists with special conditions of detention, RIA Novosti reports.

“In order to ensure the national security of our country, I ask you to instruct us to consider the initiative to create a specialized penitentiary center on the territory of the Spitsbergen archipelago or Novaya Zemlya exclusively for terrorists. Please instruct me to send me the official position of the government of the Russian Federation on this issue.” — wrote the deputy.

The MP insists that the cruelty of the terrorists demonstrates the need to isolate them.

“Since terrorists have no nationality or religion, I believe that isolating them will help prevent the spread of extremist ideas among other prisoners. A prison with special conditions of detention can be created on the Spitsbergen archipelago or on Novaya Zemlya.” – he pointed out.

The MP reminded the FSIN leaders of the tragedy of the inhuman terrorist attack with hostage taking at school No. 1 in Beslan, which occurred 20 years ago.

He also cited global practice as examples, including the US prison at Guantanamo Bay, which is located in Cuba, Bangkwang in Thailand, Sante in France, Tadmor prison in Syria and Megiddo in Israel.

“In 2015, I proposed an initiative to create a separate prison for terrorists, because they are like an infection. One ends up in a cell and a week later everyone professes radical pseudo-Islam. This applies not only to Islam. Of course, they need a special prison, preferably in the Arctic Circle, where they will be kept in special conditions and this infection will not go anywhere. Considering the latest events in the Rostov region and the Volgograd region, we believe that this issue has become even more relevant than in 2015.” – he told the agency.

In his opinion, we are now talking about the life and health of Russian citizens, as well as national security.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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