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HomeLatest NewsThe Swedish government recommends that parents keep children under two years old...

The Swedish government recommends that parents keep children under two years old away from screens and limit their use until they are 18.

The Swedish Public Health Agency recommends that children under two years old should not be exposed to any type of screen and that teenagers should spend no more than three hours a day in front of them. The official body asks parents and guardians to think about their own screen use and to explain what they are doing with their phone when using it in the presence of minors.

The recommendations, announced Monday, are the first guidelines from Swedish authorities on how parents should regulate screen time.

The recommendation states that screen use by children aged two to five should be limited to a maximum of one hour per day, while those aged six to 12 should not use them for more than two hours per day. For adolescents aged 13 to 18, the suggested limit is three hours.

The proposal contrasts with the current average screen time among Swedish children and young people, estimated at four hours a day for children aged nine to 12 and more than seven hours a day – not including homework – for young people aged nine to 12, 17 and 18.

Stolen time

“For too long, we have allowed screens and apps to steal our time and attention away from what we know we need to feel good. We know that using digital devices can have negative health effects, such as sleep disturbances and symptoms of depression,” says Health Minister Jakob Forssmed.

“With these recommendations tailored to each stage of childhood, we now offer important support to children, young people, parents and other caregivers, for a healthier, more conscious and responsible use of screens and digital devices.”

The agency also recommends that children not use screens before bed and not install screens in bedrooms at night.

“Tech companies’ profits are funded by children’s health,” says Forssmed.

The guidelines, aimed at both adults and children, also include advice on thinking about screen use. The minister said the aim was to provide “clear, concrete recommendations” to facilitate conversations about the topic, including how much time is spent online, what happens when it is used and what children may be exposed to. “These are important and necessary conversations,” he said.

Lead by example

Helena Frielingsdorf, a researcher at the public health authority, says parents should set an example for their children when it comes to screen use: “As a parent, you are an example.”

In France earlier this year, a scientific study commissioned by President Emmanuel Macron concluded that children under three should not be exposed to screens, including television, and that no child should have a cell phone before the age of 11.

In France, some educational institutions are experimenting with banning cell phones for students under 15. If successful, this measure, which is part of a “digital pause,” could be extended to the entire country from January.

The Swedish government has already said it is studying the possibility of banning mobile phones in primary schools.

Translation by Julián Cnochaert.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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