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HomeLatest NewsMarta Barrachina brings Castellón's identity to life with the new Provincial Festival...

Marta Barrachina brings Castellón’s identity to life with the new Provincial Festival poster that “merges cultural and geographical elements”

The president of the Castellón Provincial Council, Marta Barrachina, revives the identity of our territory with the new poster of the Provincial holiday which “merges cultural and geographical elements.”

This Tuesday, the president of the provincial institution presented the poster that summarizes the essence of the Provincial Day; a poster for one year in which “we brought the Archer home to Tírig.”

This was stated by the provincial official during the presentation in which she highlighted the itinerancy of the Province Festival, Tírig on September 27 being the first trip that this event will make; “an itinerancy that will allow the festival to move to different places in our province, thus bringing the spirit of the festival closer to each home,” he stressed. Marta Barrachina.

Regarding the image of the Provincial Festival, the highest representative of the provincial institution explained that “being faithful to the historical authenticity of this celebrationIn the place occupied by our Arch, we have merged the cultural and geographical elements that represent the identity of our land and our neighbors, resulting in the poster of the Provincial Festival that we present today.

The president stressed that this poster of the Province Festival was designed “with the firm intention of perpetuating it in future editions of this celebration.” “All its components have been carefully thought out, they are a reflection of historical elements that transcend the present and that will continue to represent Castellón and the people of Castellón, today and always,” he stressed.

Regarding the elements visible in the image, the President of the Provincial Council stressed, firstly, the Archer of the Valltorta“the representation that, year after year, unites all the people of Castellón around its heritage and values ​​and has been and continues to be the constant icon of the Province Festival”. Since its beginnings, the Arquer has represented the warrior, the bravery and the indomitable spirit that define the people of Castellón.

And besides the importance of the Arquer, there is the map of the province of Castellón. Thus, the Arquer overlaps the territory of Castellón “symbolizing the idea of ​​transcending borders and geographical limitations”, as Marta Barrachina indicated. This artistic gesture invites the viewer to reflect on the link between past and present, between tradition and modernity.

After explaining the elements, the provincial leader highlighted the earthy tones that were used “and which They symbolize rooting, the intimate link with our land and our history.“. And like the color, Marta Barrachina highlighted the choice of the crumpled effect paper that aims to simulate the ground on which the province of Castellón is built, in its mountainous relief. Thus, each of the folds of the poster represents the orography of our territory, of our identity.

Finally, the provincial institution is well reflected in the image of the Provincial Festival. To this end, the logo of the Provincial Council of Castellón has been incorporated into the image of the poster in order to establish a clear link between the Provincial Day and the institution that works tirelessly for its development. “This connection is a graphic representation of our commitment to promoting our identity, our culture and our common progress,” said Marta Barrachina.

In short, this poster for the Fête de la Province “not only celebrates what we are today, but also looks to tomorrow, with the certainty that will continue to represent the spirit of Castellón and its inhabitants in future generations,” concluded the President of the Provincial Council.

After the presentation of the poster, the provincial institution continues to finalize preparations for the next September 27the day the church square of Tírig will be decorated to host the event in which the provincial institution will award five awards: the High Distinction of the Province and the Distinctions of Merit in the Arts, Sports, Innovation and Solidarity. During the gala, Vicente Traver Calzada will receive the High Distinction and, with him, values ​​such as effort, solidarity, sacrifice and improvement will converge between the winners of this edition of the Provincial Festival and all. They stand out for their commitment and pride in the province.

Thus, the Valltorta Museum will receive the Merit for the Arts, the Penyagolosa Trails will be distinguished with the Sports Merit, the Chair of Physical Activity and Oncology of the UJI with the Merit for Innovation and the Provincial Hospital Foundation with the Merit for Solidarity. Likewise, the Provincial Council of Castellón will award bronze medals for the first time during the Provincial Festival. The provincial institution will recognize the Unión de Mutuas with this distinction on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary, and the Mare de Déu del Lledó for the centenary of its coronation.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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