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HomeLatest NewsThree people arrested for extorting a man from La Coruña with the...

Three people arrested for extorting a man from La Coruña with the “hitman scam”

THE Civil Guard arrested three people in the town of Arroyomolinos (Madrid) following a complaint from a resident of O Pino (La Coruña), who was threatened with attack his life and that of his family if he had not paid them a certain sum of money after sharing his phone number in an Internet advertisement offering sexual services.

The victim went to the Civil Guard police station in the municipality of Arca in La Coruña, where she reported that she was receiving phone calls and intimidating messages in which they threatened to kidnap his family and attack his life if he did not send money. An extortion in which those involved sent him videos of kidnappings and executions to intimidate him, which led the man to transfer them 4,500 euros.

The origin of the threats dates back to an online request for sexual services, from which they began to demand payments for the alleged “expenses generated” and to prevent the hitmen who were looking for him from carrying out their mission. Some practices that are part of the ‘hitman scameither“, where victims are intimidated and encouraged to pay to prevent one of these criminals from ending his life.

In this case, the prisoners had published false advertisements on the Internet offering sexual services to people extract data from the interested partyeither and, once they obtained the contact telephone number, they resorted to intimidation to obtain a sum of money, alleging that they had not attended a supposed meeting or that they had wasted their time.

Based on the complaint filed in La Coruña, the Civil Guard managed to locate the three detainees, spread throughout Arroyomolinos, who were already They had a history of crimes of a similar nature.. As reported by Benemérita, the trial has already been sent to the Guard Court of the city of Arzúa.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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