Friday, September 20, 2024 - 6:18 pm
HomeDo you want Hamas to win?

Do you want Hamas to win?

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has harshly criticised the government for its decision to suspend arms exports to Israel, calling the move “playing into the hands of the Hamas terrorist group”.

In a statement on social media site X, Johnson wrote: “Hamas is still holding many innocent Jews hostage as Israel tries to prevent a repeat of the massacre of 7 October. Why are Lammy and Starmer abandoning Israel? Do they want Hamas to win?”

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy announced on Monday the suspension of 30 of the 350 arms export licenses to Israel, citing concerns that the weapons could be used to violate international humanitarian law. Lammy stressed that the decision was not an arms embargo but a temporary measure.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also condemned the move, saying the suspension of arms shipments would not affect Israel’s resolve to defeat Hamas. He stressed that Israel is fighting a just war, taking measures to protect civilians and strictly observing international law. Netanyahu noted that Israel will continue to fight Hamas and ensure the security of its people, regardless of external pressure.

The chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Phil Rosenberg, also expressed his displeasure with the UK’s decision, calling it a “terrible message” sent to both Israel and Hamas. He noted that this decision came at the most inopportune time, when Israel was burying its dead hostages.

Responding to the criticism, British Defence Secretary John Healey said the government has an obligation to uphold the rule of law and that the decision to suspend arms sales is not intended to support any of the parties in the conflict. He stressed that the UK continues to support Israel’s right to self-defence.

The Labour Friends of Israel also expressed concern, saying that restrictions on arms exports are unlikely to end the Gaza conflict or secure the release of the hostages. The organisation warned that such measures could only embolden Israel’s enemies and lead to further escalation.

Conservative shadow foreign secretary Andrew Mitchell, who backed the move against the Israeli arms ban, said Labour’s decision appeared to be an attempt to satisfy the party’s domestic interests but could end up damaging relations with an important ally in the Middle East.

Earlier, Kursor wrote that Netanyahu responded to the suspension of British arms supplies to Israel.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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