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PP saves Gabriel Le Senne and Vox will continue to lead the presidency of the Balearic Parliament

The President of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senneof Vox, will remain in office as a proposal for dismissal of the left by the abstention of the PP.

The PSOE and MÉS per Mallorca groups, as well as the two deputies of Month for Menorca And Can, who are part of the Mixed Group, They had proposed the dismissal of Le Senne for having torn up a photo of the victims of the Franco regime in the plenary session of June 18 during the examination of the proposal with which Vox, with the support of the PP, wants repeal the law of memory DDemocracy of the Balearic Islands.

However, the impeachment required the support of three-fifths of the House, as provided for in the Rules of Procedure, which was ultimately not obtained. The dismissal proposal was rejected with 25 votes for, seven against and 27 abstentions.

After the criticism of the left-wing parties, the defense of Vox and the justification of his behavior by Le Senne himself who recognized “errors”, the parliamentary spokesman of the PP, Sebastià Sagreras, announced the abstention of his group despite criticism of Vox “for I want to keep the chair.

Photo of assassinated republicans

It was on June 18 that Gabriel Le Senne expelled two PSOE deputies and members of the Council of the Chamber, Mercedes Garrido and Pilar Costa, for having exposed photos of assassinated republicans during the civil war and under the Franco regime, among them Dawn Picornellknown as Majorcan passion flower and whose remains were identified in a mass grave in 2022.

Controversy in the Balearic Islands: the president of the Parliament, from Vox, tears up a photo of the victims of the Franco regime.

In his fight with the socialists, The Senne He even forcibly shut down one of the computers of the already expelled MPs. tear pictures with your own hands of these women victims of Francoism under the argument that The Office “must remain neutral.”

Although he apologized and the government reported it to the prosecutor’s office, he never considered resigning and the PP gave the green light with its abstention for Le Senne to remain in his post.

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