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HomeBreaking NewsIn Azerbaijan, plantation subsidies have been increased due to changes in fuel...

In Azerbaijan, plantation subsidies have been increased due to changes in fuel prices.

The Agricultural Subsidy Council has increased crop subsidies in connection with the change in fuel prices.

Oku.Az reports, citing the Ministry of Agriculture.

It was reported that in 2024, in order to offset part of the increase in gasoline and diesel prices for cars, subsidies for planting cereals and legumes, potatoes, vegetables, alfalfa and replanting will be increased starting next year.

According to the Council’s decision, support in the field of fruit growing will continue to increase. Several conditions have been defined for intensive orchards equipped with a drip irrigation system:

– orchards in which at least 650 vegetative seedlings per hectare of apple, pear, cherry, plum, peach (nectarine), apricot and cherry trees are planted;

– Gardens where at least 450 young trees per hectare of palm and pomegranate trees are planted;

– Gardens where at least 650 young trees per hectare of lemon, kinkan, orange, mandarin and feijoa plants are planted;

– Orchards with a minimum of 330 units per hectare for the hazelnut plant;

– Gardens where at least 278 vegetative seedlings are planted per hectare for the almond plant;

– Orchards where a minimum of 238 walnut seedlings are planted per hectare;

– Gardens where at least 330 seedlings per hectare of blueberries, cranberries, fig trees, olive trees and other plants are planted.

In the remaining orchards to be subsidized, the minimum number of seedlings planted per hectare is 90.

According to the Council’s decision, from September 1 to December 31, 2024, 4,400 manats per hectare of intensive hazelnut orchards, 3,000 manats per hectare of intensive pomegranate orchards, and 5,600 manats per hectare of intensive olive orchards will be paid.

From January 1 to May 31, 2025:

– In the Guba-Khachmaz and Sheki-Zagatala economic regions and in the Khojavand region, intensive hazelnut orchards where at least 650 certified seedlings are planted per hectare will receive a planting subsidy of 4,400 manats.

– Intensive pomegranate orchards in the economic regions of Karabakh, East Zangezur, Central Aran, Mil-Mugan, Shirvan-Salyan, Ganja-Dashkasan and Nagorno-Shirvan will receive a subsidy of AZN 3,000.

– Intensive olive groves in the economic regions of Absheron-Khizi, Karabakh, Mil-Mugan, Central Aran, Shirvan-Salyan and Eastern Zangezur will receive a planting subsidy of 5,600 manat per hectare.

In addition, the minimum area for granting subsidies for planting olive groves is expected to be 50 hectares in the 2025-2026 financial year, and 15 hectares in the current financial year.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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