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Are Pashinyan and Aliyev preparing a new capitulation of Armenia? – EADaily, September 3, 2024 – Political News, Russian News

Armenian political analyst Beniamin Matevosyan recalls that three days ago, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, speaking with another “part” of statements within the framework of his press conference, deliberately “left out of brackets” several important issues.

“1. Azerbaijan does not negotiate with Yerevan in a one-on-one format. Both during the war in 2020 and during the ethnic cleansing in 2023 and the subsequent negotiation process, Turkey was always included in the negotiations between Armenia and Baku. Türkiye with its own interests and with its support for Aliyev.

Pashinyan you know it, but similar format (where there is Ankara and there is no Tehran or Moscow) completely satisfies the “revolutionary politician.”

2. Samvel Shahramanyan He is guilty in many ways, first of all for the fact that he did not, does not and will never correspond to the status of the president of Artsakh. But it was not he who dissolved Artsakh, but Nikol Pashinyan personally in Prague on October 6, 2022.

Artsakh was dissolved, recognizing it as Azerbaijani territory. It was dissolved, leaving more than 100 thousand Armenians captive in Baku.

3. First of all, the decision to recognize Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan was a violation of the November 9 document. Before that, there was also a sabotage of the agreement – ​​the withdrawal of troops from those territories that were not provided for in the November 9 document.

4. Pashinyan’s formula that “there is no need to look for winners or losers in the delimitation process” repeats the formula of September 27, 2020, when he brazenly announced from the rostrum of the National Assembly that “no matter how the war ends, we should not consider ourselves losers.”

5. Nikol Pashinyan, on the one hand, excluded any involvement of the Russian Federation in the process of unblocking communications and excluded control of communications by the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. On the other hand, he did not say a word about the statement of the representative of the US State Department. O’Brien that communications through the Republic of Armenia are necessary to create an alternative route for Central Asian countries to enter “world markets” without going through the Russian Federation and China.

In other words, turning Armenia into a US “logistical bridge” against Beijing, Moscow and Tehran is an acceptable scenario for the RA authorities, but compliance with the points of the November 9 document is unacceptable.

6. Other requirement Ilham Aliyev implemented: Pashinyan is willing to outsource control functions at customs. In other words, Azerbaijanis on Armenian territory will not have contact with Armenians, but with Frontex employees, for example.

7. It should be repeated: the main deviation from the November 9 document occurred on October 6 in Prague, when Nikol handed over Armenian Artsakh. And the reason for this is not the events in Jermuk in September 2022, but Pashinyan’s own April statement about his readiness to lower the bar of expectations regarding the status of Artsakh. The September 2022 events near Jermuk became just a convenient excuse to hand over Artsakh.

8. Using the expression “outpost” again, Pashinyan accused the Russian Federation of migration. In Pashinyan’s opinion, Russia created the Artsakh problem, forcing people to leave the territory of the Republic of Armenia. In fact, according to Nikola’s logic, Russia “placed a demographic time bomb under Armenia.” As they say, the cat abandoned the kittens, this is Putin guilty…

9. Pashinyan and Aliyev are preparing a new capitulation of the Republic of Armenia, which will manifest itself in the dissolution of the OSCE Minsk Group, which will allow Baku to finally focus on the issue of implementing the “Western Azerbaijan” political project.

Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister of Armenia Vazgen Manukyan I am sure that if the current ruling team were not in power, the Armenians of Karabakh would still be living on their lands:

“I cannot say now what status they would be in now, but (under a different government in Armenia) they would definitely live in their homes. The current situation is what the current government was aiming for and it achieved it.” – Manukyan said on the air of the Review program, reports VERELQ.

The current ruling team adheres to the “absolutely idiotic idea” that has long existed in certain circles that If Armenia has no national aspirations and goals, the state can live in a region like Switzerland or Liechtenstein:

“This is an absolutely idiotic and unrealistic idea. But they (the ruling elite) took it as a basis. They believe that if there is no Artsakh problem, if they put aside the centuries-old history and aspirations of the Armenian people, if they say that Ararat is not our mountain, Armenia will begin to prosper. This will not happen. A weak country on which everyone can impose their conditions cannot prosper in this region.

This idiotic idea is not only rooted in Nikol’s (Pashinyan) mind, but he is doing everything he can to promote and spread it. Naturally, ordinary people are very attracted by the prospect of living in peace, which is why they manage to promote this idea, deceiving hundreds of thousands of citizens of our country who simply want to live in peace and happiness. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved when policies are driven by threats and the use of force.”

According to the politician, if before the change of power in 2018 someone in Armenia had been told that people with the ideology of the current government could come to power, many would not have believed it:

“If we accept the dictates of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Russia, we will achieve nothing. There will be no peace and economic development. People hope in vain for a happy life, because this cannot be achieved by simply forgetting about the problem. Without a real solution to the existing problems, no state has succeeded. For us, Artsakh is not only a national issue, it is not only an island where the Armenian population survived after the genocides, but it was also a problem, a task. By having a task and solving it, the nation becomes stronger.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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