Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 8:33 am
HomeLatest NewsMiguel Angel Torrico returns to the presidency

Miguel Angel Torrico returns to the presidency

He Mayor of CordobaThe popular José María Bellido, appeared this Tuesday afternoon with emergency to announce a restructuring of the government he leads and which he had formed in June after the municipal elections in May, in which the PP obtained an absolute majority and the first mayor retained the baton of command that he has held since mid-2019.

He adviseIn an intervention in which he did not admit questions – something unusual for him – he announced as the main change in the leadership team of the Capitulares that the councilor Miguel Ángel Torrico returns to the area of ​​the presidency, which until now depended on one of the new faces of the municipal government, Julián Urbano.

Torricoseasoned and experienced advisor, thus returns to a Department, what is essential in the tasks of the municipal government. An engine room in which problems that arise in the activity of the City Hall must often be resolved.

This causes, as a collateral movement, that Torrico leaves security department -he remains head of Urban Planning and Vimcorsa (municipal housing company), thus reinforcing his very important role in Capitulares-, which Mayor Jesus Coca takes over.

The latter in turn leaves the presidency of Emacsa (municipal water company and jewel of the municipal public sector). Councilor Daniel García-Ibarrola leads itwhich comes out of the Tourism “portfolio”. This goes to Marián Aguilar, who adds it to Sports.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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