Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 5:56 am
HomeBreaking NewsA 21-year-old student committed suicide because of his mother

A 21-year-old student committed suicide because of his mother

New details have emerged regarding the death of a 21-year-old student in Sumgait.

Oku.AzAccording to information obtained by Fuad Ismayilov, the reason for his suicide was a dispute between him and his mother.

So, after a quarrel between him and his mother, who works as a teacher in one of the city schools, F. Ismayilov threw himself out of the window of the building where they lived.

It should be noted that the deceased was a second-year student of the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports.

The incident took place in the territory of the ninth microdistrict.

He died instantly.

The incident is being investigated.

Aytaj Gasimova


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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