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A baker reveals the secret of your mistakes every day

He bread It is a staple food in many cultures and often one of the first products we buy when we go to the supermarket. However, despite its apparent simplicity, bread is a product that requires special care to maintain its freshness and qualityMany of us follow daily routines that, without realizing it, can compromise the texture, flavor and shelf life of bread.

A baker has revealed that despite our good intentions, we may be making common mistakes that affect the bread quality. These mistakes can be as simple as how we store bread or the type of packaging we use. Therefore, instead of taking advantage a crispy crumb and a crunchy crustwe could contribute to the bread becoming dry, soft or even developing mold prematurely.

This is the best way to store bread

Joost Arijs, a Dutch bakeroffers a number of key tips for keeping bread fresh and warns against using plastic bags. These bags are not recommended for storing bread at all, as “they prevent the exchange of air and moisture with the environment.” As a result, the bread quickly becomes soggy, losing its crispy crust and becoming soft and sticky. In addition, the moist environment of these bags encourages the growth of mold, which, once present, forces the bread to be thrown away.

Instead of using plastic bags, this expert recommends using paper bagswhich allow the bread to “breathe” and therefore keep the crust crispy for longer. Although it is not a perfect solution and the bread may harden after a day or two, the paper bag is preferable to the plastic bag.

The ideal way to keep bread looking as if it were freshly made for several days is to use paraffin coated paper bags. This extra layer helps prevent the bread from drying out, allowing it to stay in optimal condition for longer. If waxed bags are not available, you can line a paper bag with wax paper. Additionally, beeswax is another option that helps preserve food by retaining moisture and allowing air exchange.

Bread boxes, which allow for adequate ventilation, are also a great option for storing bread. Finally, if you are not going to consume the bread that day or the next, the baker says that freezing it is an effective alternative to keep it fresh until needed.

How to Freeze Bread at Home

Freezing bread at home This is a great way to prolong freshness and avoid food waste. However, to maintain its original flavour and texture, it is important to follow a few key steps. First, choose fresh bread, preferably bought the same day. Avoid freezing bread that has already hardened, as it can become even drier and harder once defrosted. If you have baked the bread at home, make sure it is completely cold before freezing, to avoid the formation of ice crystals, which would inevitably alter the texture.

For prepare bread to freezeIt is advisable to cut it into slices. This way, you can defrost it in individual portions and use only what you need, without defrosting the whole loaf at once. Wrap each slice tightly to prevent freezer burn and the absorption of odors. You can use aluminum foil, plastic wrap, or freezer bags, making sure to remove any air before sealing.

Place the bread bags in the freezer flat to prevent any deformation and label them with the freezing date. Although bread can be stored in the freezer for several months, it is recommended to consume it within the first three months.

For defrost breadIt is best to do this in the oven at a low temperature, as this ensures even defrosting and maintains the crispy texture of the bread. In the case of artisan breads, a brief baking at a high temperature can restore the freshness of the crust, restore its original flavor and texture, and make it more flavorful.

This will be the bread of the future

Finally, it should be noted that a team of scientists from the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA) CSIC has developed an innovative flatbread recipe that incorporates dehydrated vegetables such as spinach, beets, onions, tomatoes and lemon.

This addition significantly improves the nutritional value of the bread, reducing its íglycemic index and providing fiber, minerals and an appealing texture. Vegetables also help regulate starch digestion, allowing for a slower release of glucose.

This breakthrough promises to revolutionize the food industry by offering healthier and more sustainable options. The researchers see the potential to apply this technique to other products, putting CSIC at the forefront food innovation.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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