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A big fight between minors from Latin gangs causes destruction at Arturo Soria’s Fuensanta clinic

A brutal fight with knives and sticks between the Latino gangs Trinitarios and Dominican Don’t Play (DDP) tonight in Ciudad Lineal crossed several areas of the neighborhood, to the point of causing destruction with bottles and stones in the clinic of La Fuensanta, on Arturo Soria Street. Among those arrested is Black Michael Feliz, a 23-year-old Dominican whose “chorale” (area group) recently participated in the knife attack of a DDP in another fight between Calero Park and Quintana Square, in the same neighborhood. He has 30 criminal records and was free.

As ABC learned, the events first occurred on Luva Street, a small street located next to the Ciudad Lineal interchange. Neighbors had called the National Police because a brutal fight was taking place between about ten members of the gang, with knives, bottles and stones.

This is an area of ​​the neighborhood where it is common to see these criminal organizations pass by and at the same time, a 17-year-old minor was murdered in November 2005, during a clash between Ñetas and Latin Kings in the playground area. In this investigation, 39 young people were arrested, to the point of being the homicide with the most arrests in the recent history of Madrid.

In last night’s case, the criminals fled towards Vizconde de los Asilos Street and the agents, at number 24 General Aranaz, intercepted two minors from the DDP, who were fleeing on a scooter.

A neighbor also called 091 to warn that two gang members were fighting under her window, whom she provided this description: one was wearing a bomber jacket with the legend “Brooklyn” on the back and a white T-shirt, with a thick build and curly hair; the other was wearing a red sweatshirt with a mask that covered his face and was riding a scooter. They were the ones who fled on a scooter towards General Aranaz.

The witness’s son added that he saw a group of eight gang members fighting and throwing stones and glass bottles at the aforementioned clinic, located at 17 Arturo Soria. They damaged a window sill.

Finally, four Trinidadians and four DDPs were arrested, the latter are minors and were transferred to Grume. Only a knife and thrown objects were recovered, although there was talk of a firearm and a machete, which were not found.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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