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HomeLatest NewsA concert in the Plaza del Castillo is the main novelty

A concert in the Plaza del Castillo is the main novelty

Next weekend, Pamplona will be decorated to celebrate the anniversary of the privilege of the Unionby which the city was founded by unifying the villages of San Cernin, Navarrería and San Nicolás, under the protection of the King of Navarre Carlos III El Noble on September 8, 1423. In this edition, the Pamplona City Hall planned different festive events of the From Friday 6th to Sunday 8thwhen the musical group El Columpio Asesinor put the final touch to the celebration. It will be during a concert freeat 8 p.m., in the Plaza del Castillo.

With the concert, the City Hall wants to make a a little nod to this avant-garde and alternative group born in Pamplona in 1999. Today, after more than two decades on the music scene, he has decided to end his musical career, which includes hits like “Toro”, a true reflection of his own style, halfway between rock and punkmixing electronics and synthesizers. Their impact has crossed borders and they have a multitude of fans also abroad, especially in Mexico, where the group has given numerous concerts.

This will not be the only musical performance of a festive weekend. La Pamplonesa will once again take the pulse of the citizens with a concert in the Plaza del Castillo on Friday at 8 p.m. Under the title of “Symphonic Marches”The municipal band will perform marches recognized by the population such as the imperial march from Star Wars or Indiana Jones, to which the “United for Privilege” Marchcomposed specifically last year for the celebration of the 600th anniversary of the Privilege of the Union.

In addition, on Saturday the musical relay will take over Navarre Symphony Orchestra, which will also perform at 8 p.m. in the Plaza del Castillo, under the direction of its owner, Perry So. Among the repertoire selected for the occasion, the Emperor Waltz by Johann Strauss Jr., the Dance of the Period, by Fernando Rivet; or the Overture to William Tell, by Giochino Rossini.

Although musical performances will take on a significant weight during this weekend, the celebration of the Privilege of the Union will not leave aside traditional acts on that day. That is why there will be no shortage the departure of the Comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudoshe parade of the municipal corporation in the municipal body make a floral offering before the Mausoleum of Charles III the Noble or the installation of the usual medieval market in the streets of the Old Town.

This will be precisely the flea market which begins the celebrations on Friday afternoon. From 5 p.m., the main streets of the city center will host stands. chocolates, pasta, liqueurs, honey, infusions, sausages, jewelry, silverware, glass, wood, leather or woolamong others. With the help of the Local Product Association, they will be installed more than a hundred stands, in Mercaderes Street, Plaza Consistorial, Nueva Street, Council Square, San Francisco Square, Eslava Street and Mayor Street.

Although on Friday they will only open in the afternoon, on Saturday and Sunday you can enjoy all these stands from 10am to 2pm and from 5pm to 9pm. In addition to taste and buy productsyou can also contemplate the preparation process of some of them, by the hand of different craftsmen.

Both setting of positions such as merchants’ clothes It will have a medieval feel to take citizens back to the years of the 15th century when the Privilege of the Union was signed.

However, it will be Sunday 8th, the big day of the partysince it was on such a day that the union of the three cities, until then distant and opposed to each other, was realized. On that day, the main part of the demonstrations will take place in the afternoon, with the departure of the Comparsa of the Giants and the Big Headswho had not walked the streets of the city since July 14. The meeting point for adults, boys and girls, will be at 5 p.m., from the bus station.

Once on the street, the giants, kilikis and big heads will go around the Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas y Miranda, García Ximénez, Tudela Street, Plaza del Vínculo, Paseo de Sarasate, Comedias Street and Zapatería Street to Plaza Consistorial. There they will pick up the Municipal Corporation, which will leave for the Town Hall at 5:45 p.m. towards the cathedralto make a floral offering and a response in front of the mausoleum of Carlos III El Noble, at 6:45 p.m.

After the events within the SEO, around 7 p.m., the Corporation within the Town Hall will retrace the path to the City Hall, where the dance group Duguna will dance in honor of the city. The giants and big heads will retreat dancing through the streets Shoe store, Comedias, Sarasate promenade, Plaza del Vínculo, Tudela street, Conde Oliveto and Plaza de la Pazreturn to the bus station.

Pamplona City Council plans to allocate approximately 60,000 euros to cover the acts of the Privilege.

Acts of commemoration of the privilege of the Union

· Friday September 6

o Medieval market, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

o La Pamplonesa concert, at 8:00 p.m. in Plaza del Castillo

· Saturday September 7

o Medieval market, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

o Concert by the Navarre Symphony Orchestra, at 8:00 p.m. in the Plaza del Castillo

· Sunday September 8

o Medieval market, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

o Departure from the Comparsa de Gigantes y Cabezudos, at 5:00 p.m. from the bus station. Itinerary: Plaza de la Paz, Yanguas and Miranda, García Ximénez, Tudela, Plaza del Vínculo, Paseo de Sarasate, Comedias, Zapatería and Plaza Consistorial

o Parade of the Municipal Corporation in the City Hall, from the City Hall, 5:45 p.m. Route: San Saturnino Street, Mayor Street, Eslava Street, San Francisco Square, Concejo Square, Zapatería Street, Calceteros Street, Mercaderes Street, Curia Street

o Floral offering and response in front of the mausoleum of Carlos III, at 6:45 p.m. in the Cathedral.

o Return parade from the cathedral to the Town Hall at 7 p.m. and dances in honor of the city at 7:20 p.m.

o Concert by El Columpio Asesino, at 8:00 p.m., in Plaza del Castillo


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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