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A crisis is brewing in France: Macron’s fraud in Lebanon, sexual minority and Armenian politics

President Emmanuel Macron continues to use the French government as an experimental laboratory. He is the most controversial head of state in the country’s history.

Marine Le Pen’s right-wing National Unity Party won parliamentary elections in France this summer. Emmanuel Macron’s centrist “For a Joint Republic” bloc came in second.

The National Unity Party was unable to form a government on its own because it did not obtain an absolute majority of votes. As no political force was willing to form a coalition government with Marine Le Pen, the government was formed by Macron’s party.

Following the elections, France faced a political crisis. The fact that it took the head of state 51 days to form a new government also indicates the seriousness of the political situation in the country.

Finally, Macron appointed 73-year-old Michel Barney as prime minister. He used to be foreign minister and tried to represent all sides in order to unite political forces and hope for balance.

Marine Le Pen refused to take part in Macron’s test.

The new government is considered to be centre-right. The government was made up of the electoral bloc “Joint Republic for the Good of the Republic”, led by Macron, the conservative Republican Party and other small political forces close to them. Only the Minister of Defence, Sébastien Lecorn, kept his post.

Centrist Jean-Noël Barro has been appointed head of the foreign ministry and conservative Bruno Reayo has been appointed interior minister. Macron’s man will head the seven main ministries in Michel Barne’s government, which consists of 39 ministers.

Although a new government has been formed, political protests continue in the country.

The leader of the “Patriots” party, Florian Filippo X, called on his social networks: “The new French government led by Michel Barnet must be overthrown.”

He added that the new government was a cruel mockery: “Therefore, we must get rid of this government as soon as possible.”

Filippo Barne called his government an “oligarchic wart” that is driving everyone to despair.

Election to the European Parliament

Failure is the biggest lack of confidence in Emmanuel Macron.

In the first term of the current presidency, from 2017 to 2022, i.e. in five years, there were two Prime Ministers of France: Edouard Philippe (2017 to 2020) and Jean Castex (2020 to 2022).

In the first two years of his second term as head of state, he appointed three prime ministers: Elizabeth Bourne (2022-2024), Gabriel Attal (9 January – 5 September 2024), Michel Barne (21 September 2024).

The frequent change of heads of government and cabinet is seen as an indicator of a lack of stability and stability, not of democracy.

The fate of Michel Barnet’s government depends on how long Marine Le Pen’s faction remains silent. He called the new cabinet a “transitional government” and said it was far from the expectations of the French people.

According to Le Pen, this government was formed as a result of the conclusion of “unnatural alliances”: “We will continue to prepare for the major changes that we demand to allow France to stand firm.”

At the same time, Marine Le Pen did not comment on the possibility of a vote of confidence in the government in the near future.

Because the parties represented in the new government will not have a majority in parliament. In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers will probably regularly try to enlist the support of opposition groups: the New Popular Front, which includes representatives of left and far-left forces, as well as the political force headed by Marine Le Pen. There are 577 deputies in the French parliament. The new government is represented by 240 deputies out of the required absolute majority of 289. This may create a problem for the continuity of the government in parliament. In other words, a new government crisis in France is possible.

The first meeting of the new cabinet under President Emmanuel Macron will take place today.

Bringing together various political forces, the president carried out his next test.

It should be noted that Gabriel Attal was appointed as the new prime minister after the resignation of Elizabeth Born on January 9 this year. Attal, 34, was the youngest prime minister in the history of the country. It was reported that Gabriel Attal is a close associate of the French president. He was the first prime minister of the country who was allegedly a representative of a sexual minority. The new prime minister appointed Stefan Sejurne, 38, a representative of the sexual minority, as foreign minister. According to reports, Sejurne, the leader of the “Renaissance” party, lives in a civil marriage with Attalla, 34.

It should be noted that according to the French Constitution, the country’s president appoints the prime minister and other members of the government based on his proposals.

Let us also underline that the French government is currently going through a period of crisis.

The replacement of homosexuals by representatives of ethnic Armenians in the new government appointed by Macron can be seen as an example of an experiment.

According to the information, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet was appointed Minister of Labour and Employment and Guillaume Kasparyan was appointed Minister of Public Service, Simplification and Transformation of Public Activities.

It can be assumed that the president intended to win the votes of this section of society in the upcoming parliamentary elections by bringing representatives of sexual minorities into the government. His plan was not realized in the political campaign held on June 30 and July 7.

Therefore, it can be assumed that he is trying to benefit from the lobby of representatives of the Armenian ethnic group by including representatives of the Armenian ethnic group in the government in order to realize his future plans, as well as not to leave the post of president prematurely.

Macron continues his experiences in government in his foreign policy course.

Tensions are rising between Israel and Lebanon. In recent days, Hezbollah is attacking northern Israel and the other side is attacking Beirut.

To protect France’s position in Lebanon and its assets in the Middle East, Macron addressed the Lebanese people the other day: “Dear Lebanese, dear friends. There is hope in confusion and sadness. France is with you in this chaos, in this pain.”

This is evidence of Macron’s fraud. A French army soldier will never wage war with Hezbollah and the Lebanese army against Israel. Because this official is against Paris’s allies from the West, primarily the United States and Great Britain. France has neither the courage nor the political will to do so. Some time ago he made a statement about sending troops to Ukraine. This idea did not win him support. Now he makes indirect statements about rapprochement with Russia.

It is not ruled out that Emmanuel Macron’s government is facing a new political crisis in the country. He is trying to direct attention in this direction by putting the issue of Lebanon on the agenda. Thus, France is falsifying its foreign policy and internally trying to create “national unity” by replacing representatives of one class with another. And the crisis is not far from France’s doors.

Information Agency “Report”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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