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HomeLatest NewsA customer asks about Hacendado milk and this is what Mercadona responds

A customer asks about Hacendado milk and this is what Mercadona responds

THE milk It is a staple food in the diet of hundreds of people because it is a food rich in nutrients such as calcium, protein and vitamins. But it is necessary to know and be clear that the milk we consume daily does not contain microorganisms harmful to our health. This is achieved by subjecting the milk to various heat treatments that kill bacteria and pathogens without changing its nutritional properties. One of these treatments is pasteurizationa process widely used in the dairy industry to ensure that milk is safe for consumption and in this regard specifically, a customer of Mercadona.

THE Pasteurization involves heating milk to a specific temperature, usually below the boiling point, for a period of time, and then cool it rapidly. This method is effective in destroying microorganisms that can cause illness without compromising the quality of the milk. However, pasteurization is not the only treatment available. There is another process called UHT (Ultra High Temperature), which raises the temperature of milk to much higher levels for a short period of time, followed by rapid cooling. This treatment not only eliminates bacteria but also spores, allowing milk to be stored for longer periods without the need for refrigeration before opening. In this context, A Mercadona customer decided to clear up her doubts about the treatment of Hacendado milk. and asked a question about it on social media.

Mercadona responds on the treatment of its Hacendado milk

THE Hacendado milk is one of the best sellers among all the white label offers from supermarkets. In fact, the OCU highlights it as the best of all (especially its semi-skimmed version) but it seems that some customers have doubts about the process followed to eliminate micro-organisms.

Specifically, a Mercadona customer did not hesitate to use social networks to express her concerns about the milk she consumes.. By a message on the social networkformerly Twitter, user He wanted to know if the whole milk of the Hacendado brand, sold in Mercadona supermarkets, is pasteurized. The question is relevant because it guarantees the consumer’s peace of mind about the safety of the product he buys and consumes, especially if it is a food as essential as milk.

In response to the user’s question, Mercadona quickly clarified that Hacendado whole milk is not pasteurized, but has undergone UHT treatment. The supermarket chain explained that this process is thermally superior to pasteurisation and ensures that the milk does not contain microorganisms or spores that could develop later.

Milk processing: pasteurization vs. UHT

Pasteurization and UHT treatment are two thermal processes used to ensure the safety of milk. pasteurizationas mentioned above, This involves heating the milk to a temperature between 63°C and 72°C for a period of 15 to 30 seconds. This method is effective in killing pathogens such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria, among others. However, while pasteurization eliminates most bacteria present, it is not able to destroy bacterial spores that could survive and eventually grow if conditions allow.

On the other hand, UHT treatment raises the temperature of milk to around 135°C for just two to five seconds, which destroys both bacteria and spores. This treatment is particularly effective and is the one generally applies to milk found on supermarket shelves without the need for refrigeration. Due to the high temperature used in the UHT process, milk can be stored for several months without refrigeration, as long as the container has not been opened.

The importance of food safety

Food safety is a fundamental aspect that concerns all consumers. treatments such as pasteurization and UHT are essential ensuring that products as common and necessary as milk are safe to consume. While both processes are effective, it is important for consumers to understand the differences between them and how they can affect the quality and safety of the final product.

In this sense, clear communication by brands and supermarkets responsible for selling the consumer products we buy daily, such as the one supplied by Mercadona, It is essential that consumers make informed decisions. Transparency of information about the processes to which food is subjected is an added value that companies must consider as part of their strategy to maintain the trust of their customers.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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