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HomeLatest NewsA Dry Cleaning Tip to Remove Oil Stains from Any Fabric

A Dry Cleaning Tip to Remove Oil Stains from Any Fabric

One of the most persistent stains on all our fabrics is the oil stain. These have a reputation for being very complicated to remove, as they adhere to the clothes and resist many soaps, so it may seem that, sometimes, the only solution is to take the stained clothes to the dry cleaners.

However, although it is advisable to wear comfortable clothes that can get stained every time you are going to cook or be in contact with oils of any kind, there is a way to remove this type of stain from any garment at home and without resorting to a professional.

Therefore, you will only need to follow a series of simple steps to perform the dry cleaning trick to remove oil stains from any type of fabric.

Act as quickly as possible

Before thinking about how to remove oil stains, it is advisable to avoid the risk of reaching this situation, by avoiding the contact of the most delicate clothes with oil. Thus, using an apron or comfortable clothes for cooking could save you from having to resort to a cleaning solution at the last minute.

However, this is not always the case, so it is necessary to act quickly after spotting the stain. Since oils adhere very easily to fabrics, treating the stain as soon as possible will prevent it from setting in and complicating cleaning.

Remove excess oil

By the time a stain is detected, much of it may already have adhered to the garment. However, if this is noticed early, it is important to remove excess oil to try to ensure that it builds up as little as possible.

So use absorbent paper towels or a cloth to press the stain and remove all traces of dirt. Make sure you have cleaned all the excess by pressing lightly on the stain and avoid rubbing, as this could spread the dirt to other unstained areas of the garment.

Apply the special ingredient

Once the excess is removed, it will be time to apply the special ingredient, which is none other than talcum powder or cornstarch. Both compounds stand out for their absorbent capacity, which is why they will help extract the oils embedded in the tissues.

To apply, sprinkle either ingredient generously onto the stain and let it sit for at least half an hour. If the stain is very large, takes a long time, or this is not the first time you’ve tried to remove it without success, try letting the compound sit for an hour.

If the grease stain is old and already dry, you can mix talcum powder or cornstarch with a little water to create a paste. This way, the stain will be slightly hydrated, allowing the compound to absorb it completely.

After application, use a soft-bristled brush, such as an old toothbrush, and gently scrub the area, being careful not to damage the fabric of the garment. Even if the stain is large, avoid scrubbing too hard, as this could damage the garment.

Use a degreaser

Once the surprise ingredient is applied, shake the garment and remove the excess to apply a degreaser. Some options like liquid dishwashing detergent or other products dedicated to this task are more effective thanks to their powerful degreasing agents, more powerful than common laundry soaps.

Then cover the stain with detergent and gently rub one part of the fabric with another, generating friction and a little foam. It is important to apply the right amount of detergent and let it act for at least a quarter of an hour so that it breaks down the grease properly.

Wash and dry the grease-stained garment

Once all the previous steps have been completed, it will be time to wash the garment. To do this, put it in the washing machine following the washing instructions on the label and use the hottest temperature possible according to these instructions.

Once the washing program is finished, remove the garment from the washing machine and avoid putting it in the dryer. This is because the heat produced by the appliance can help set the stain, making it almost impossible to remove. Check if the stain has disappeared and hang it up so the garment can dry naturally.

If the remains of dirt and oil are still there, it is possible to repeat the entire process, although to do this it is necessary to first let the garment rest in the air for a while.

If after a few attempts the stain has not disappeared, it may be very ingrained or it may have been on the garment for a long time, so it is best to go to a professional dry cleaner to use advanced cleaning methods that allow you to recondition your garment in the best possible way.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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