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A film by Galician Margarita Ledo gets a special mention at the Seville Film Festival

A film by Galician Margarita Ledo gets a special mention at the Seville Film Festival

The jury of the Las Nuevas Olas section of the Seville European Film Festival, made up of Asimina Proedrou, Irene Hens and Sergio Cobo, awarded this weekend the work of Margarita Ledo Andión in the film ‘Prefiero Condenarme’.

The three agreed to give special mention to the film “for the importance of rediscovering women’s empowerment, the stories of the past that have been silenced not only politically but cinematically; for all those women filmmakers who had not of voice; we must tell the unjust and forgotten stories of our grandmothers and our mothers.

Margarita Ledo Andión is a professor of audiovisual communication, writer, researcher and filmmaker and He wanted to emphasize that “he works and defends the existence of cultural products in the Galician language, and at this time this mention has a special meaning due to the situation of our language”. “A film in the Galician language screened in a European film festival is for me a reason for satisfaction,” she admitted, adding that she felt satisfied because “Sagrario, the protagonist, deserves only his story and his courage are known”. “

After two special screenings which will take place at the Cormorán festival in La Coruña (Sunday November 17) and at the Cineuropa festival in Santiago de Compostela (Thursday November 21), “Prefiero Condenarme” will be released in theaters on November 22, on dates preceding the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.


We tell the story of the thousand faces of Sagrario, a shellfisherman from the Ferrol estuary, compared to a rebellious mother, with a family orbit in perpetual turmoil and a trial for adultery at the age of 33, in 1972 , because of a daughter she has with her lover, a carpenter.

The plot of this audiovisual project revolves around an ecclesiastical court in Compostela, which assumes civil powers and which, against all expectations, acquits Sagrario Ribela Fra of the trial for adultery.

The recomposition of the pieces of this story leads to a popular character capable of comparing the rules which, also in the emotional domain, lock him into a subordinate role. And although the violence, abuse and lack of rights are accompanied by an oppressive social atmosphere, in reality the subject of the film corresponds to what we are all looking for: to love and be loved.

Desire is evoked in the context of the struggle for equality where, for Sagrario, memory crosses the heart again.


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