Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 5:51 am
HomeBreaking NewsA forest fire has broken out in the province of Valencia and...

A forest fire has broken out in the province of Valencia and they are asking for the mobilization of government planes

A forest fire broke out this Thursday in Simat of the Valldigna (Valencia), after the fire that broke out in the Valencian city of Fourtondeand the mobilization of three amphibious aircraft from Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Miteco) for its extinction.

The fire broke out around 3:30 p.m. in Pla de Corrals, in Quatretonda, but around 4:15 p.m. it was located in Simat, as reported by the Emergency Coordination Center of the Generalitat.

The Valencia Provincial Firefighters Consortium explained that they were working to stop the advance of the fire towards infrastructures such as farms and that they were evacuated. a dozen houses as a preventive measure.

To put out the fire, they requested the mobilization of three amphibious aircraft that Miteco has at the Viver base, in the province of Castellonas well as an air asset from the Provincial Consortium of Alicante.

Initially, four teams from the Valencia Consortium were mobilised; three fire engines and four forest firefighter units from the Generalitat, one of which was helicopter-borne; four aerial vehicles; an environmental agent; members of the Simat local police and the Civil Guard. Two BRIFO forest brigades from the Consortium then joined them.




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