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A hiking route in Aragon that crosses one of the oldest dams in Spain

The particular orography of the Iberian Peninsula offers lovers of hiking and mountain tourism a unique opportunity to enjoy unexplored natural landscapes and the most exciting routes in Spanish geography.

Of all the autonomous communities, Aragon has some of the most striking enclaves in Spain. Thus, in the province of Teruel, there is one of the the oldest reservoirs in the whole country, and it is none other than the Escuriza reservoir, also called Congosto or Híjar reservoir.

To reach the enclave, there is a new route rehabilitated a few years ago and with which it is possible to enjoy the nature of the region. On this new path, it will be possible to walk along the footbridges and along the dam – in operation since 1898 – from one side to the other.

The route of the Escuriza dam footbridges

The route has two different starting points, since it is possible to start in both Alloza and Crivillén. On the road that connects the two villages, it will be possible to see a point scored which indicates the exit towards the start of the route.

After following the signs, you must continue 5 kilometers by car – although it is also possible to travel by bike or on foot – until you reach a parking lot. It is advisable to review the weather forecastbecause if it has rained or snowed before, the road may be difficult to travel for most vehicles.

Arriving at the parking lot, it will be possible to appreciate the information posters that start the route and indicate how to proceed. However, the entire route is marked, so it will be difficult to get lost as long as you follow the directions.

From the parking lot to the destination there is just under a kilometer, so covering the route will be a possible task for people of all ages. In addition, the route – which will last approximately 1 hour round trip – was reinforced in 2023 with metal walkways and gripping elements, making it a completely safe path.

However, as you walk through the aisles, it will be possible to see signs of landslide risk: It is not recommended to travel on days of heavy rain or wind.

The slope is only 65 meters, so it is a viable route for everyone. In any case, it is recommended headset usage and precautionary measures, especially if it must be done with young children.

Details of the Escuriza Dam

The history of the dam dates back to the 19th century, when a risk union was created, made up of representatives from the towns of Ariño, Albalate del Arzobispo, Híjar, Urrea de Gaén and Puebla de Híjar. The regents of all the towns they played financially because construction work began in 1880.

In addition, a state grant was obtained which facilitated the completion of the work in 1896, with a final total cost of 623,000 pesetasA marsh was also created next to the dam, which was first filled in 1898 and opened to the public a year later, in 1899.

The reservoir is also known as Hijar Marshessince this population was not only one of the main promoters of the work, but also one of those who benefited most from its services.

The Calvary of Alloza

Alloza, one of the municipalities closest to the dam, also has one of the The oldest calvaries in all of AragonThe space became an enclave of veneration, refuge and meeting place for all inhabitants during the Carlist Wars.

In addition, here is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, a single-nave brick construction, where the decoration made in 1788 stands out, as well as 12 copper paintings by Guillermo Forchón with scenes from the life of Christ, which have been recently restored.

The path leading to the hermitage is flanked by huge cypress trees over a hundred years old. Among all, the call stands out Mother Cypressa tree famous for its dimensions and large number of branches, a characteristic it shares with other specimens in the area. The cypress exceeds 15 meters in height and 10 meters in diameter at the crown.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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