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A large majority of Aragonese in favor of the union of the PP and the PSOE to fight against the Catalan tax agreement

The single financing pact for Catalonia is difficult to digest for other autonomous communities. Aragon is the perfect example: 63.1% of Aragonese rejects the agreement reached this summer by the central government and the ERC to appoint Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat.

This is reflected in the latest survey carried out by Sociometrica for EL ESPAÑOL. In addition, the majority of community citizens, 57.2%, believe that the regional PSOE and the PP should join forces to fight against quotas, which already seems possible.

Only 11.2% of people surveyed by Sociometrica, mainly voters from the most left-wing parties, are in favor of single funding for Catalonia.

Even if the rejection is widespread, a quarter of the Aragonese population, 25.7%, chooses to answer that they have no opinion on the matter. This may be due to the fact that the Central Executive has not yet explained what the agreement will consist of, despite the multiple attempts that have been made in the Congress of Deputies and the Senate.

But this data also means that the idea they defend does not pass. Pedro Sanchez and ministers like the head of the Treasury, Maria Jesus Monteroemphasizing that this agreement opens the door for the rest of the Autonomous Communities to negotiate their own financing.

By party, rejection occurs among voters of all political formations, with the exception of voters of Podemos and Izquierda Unida. Even at the PSOE, 45.2% of socialist voters reject the pactagainst 22.4% who approve. Among the main ones, it is the party with the most undecided voters, with 32.5% of voters opting for don’t know, don’t answer.

With these indications, it is not surprising that the PSOE leadership in Aragon was the first socialist federation to explicitly reject the single financing pact for Catalonia. This movement resulted in an all-out confrontation against Ferraz, led by one of the barons more critical of Pedro Sánchez, the former Aragonese president Javier Lamban.

Lambán has already announced that he will not run in the primaries that will be held in the region in early 2025, after the PSOE congress at the end of November. The question now is whether the continuing list will have a contender promoted by Ferraz and the pools say the candidacy sanchist could be led by the current government spokesperson minister, Pilar Alegria.

Alegría has had to publicly defend the single financing of Catalonia and the reception that this speech receives among the Aragonese could hinder his possible candidacy for president of the region. According to the investigation, 67.1% of Aragonese believe that their region will be affected if the singular financing is carried out: 50.8% believe that it will be very harmed and 16.3% believe that it will be somewhat harmed.

This rejection is not only found among PSOE voters, but also in regionalist groups. The voters of Chunta Aragonesistfourth political formation in Aragon and which was in coalition with Sumar during the last legislative elections, also disapproves (at 62.9%) of the pact and believes (at 75.7%) that it is more or less detrimental to their region.

Thus, 57.2% of Aragonese believe that the PP and the PSOE should agree on a common position against the singular financing of Catalonia, according to the survey. Even if conviction is greater among PP voters (87.2% in favor) than among PSOE voters (51.3%), it remains the majority option among socialists.

The president of Aragon, the popular Jorge Azconhas already begun to explore this common front. Its goal is to include all political acronyms. The PSOE, for its part, has already shown a gesture of rapprochement in this direction, by withdrawing an initiative that it had registered in the Cortes against singular financing. With the withdrawal, this allows Azcón to lead this position among the institutions.

Although there are tensions within the PSOE, with the socialists of Huesca against Lambán, everything indicates that this can be achieved at least at the regional level, who knows if at the local level.

And this doesn’t just apply to socialists. The voters of the rest of the political parties, except those of Podemos and Izquierda Unida, are in favor of this common front. This is the majority option even among regionalist parties. would have the majority support of society and the regional parliamentary arc.




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