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HomeBreaking NewsA link has been found between breast cancer and dandruff

A link has been found between breast cancer and dandruff

A group of scientists from Hebei University (China) discovered that the fungus “Malassezia globosa”, which causes dandruff, can accelerate the growth of cancerous gland tumors in mice.

Oku.Az This is reported with reference to

Fungi belonging to the genus “Malassezia” are conditionally pathogenic residents of the skin microflora of humans and animals. In case of a decrease in general immunity and a change in the physiological characteristics of the sebaceous glands, they can provoke skin diseases such as dandruff.

To determine other pathogenic properties of the Malassezia globosa fungus, scientists injected it into the tumors of a group of mice with breast cancer. The results showed that the growth rate of the tumors increased at this time.

According to researchers, in some cases, these fungi can penetrate the fatty tissue of the breast and cause the development of cancer. However, the mechanisms underlying such a dangerous effect are still unclear. Scientists believe that the activity of Malassezia globosa produces harmful byproducts that damage cells or weaken the body’s defenses against cancer.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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