During the events held by employees of the State Traffic Police Department of the Sheki Shehar District Police Department, the driver of the “GAZel” car, Rovshan Vahidov, was given a “hold” signal because he was not wearing a seat belt.
From the Sheki regional group of the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA). Oku.AzIt was reported that during the inspection the driver underwent a medical examination because R. Vahidov was suspected of having consumed drugs. As a result, it was determined that he consumed marijuana, which is a drug.
In addition, during a personal search, marijuana was discovered in the possession of R. Vahidov, who had already been convicted many times before.
A criminal case has been initiated regarding this incident and the court has ordered that person to be placed in preventive detention.
A man driving a car under the influence of drugs was arrested in Sheki