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HomeBreaking NewsA new DANA is coming to these areas with heavy rains and...

A new DANA is coming to these areas with heavy rains and cold in the next few hours

THE storm which hit the peninsula this week will occur today, Thursday, to become a DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) and will cause continued instability throughout the weekend, according to forecasts by the spokesman for the National Meteorological Agency (AEMET), Luis Bañón. Thus, the the storms will continueespecially in areas of the northern half of the peninsula.

In anticipation of this day, Bañón announced that the storm would finish isolating itself from the circumpolar circulation, after which it would deepen in the form of DANA. Throughout the day, it will approach the northwest of the peninsula, where it will maintain instability in some areas of the eastern third in the early morning with some showers and thunderstorms.

Likewise, it will destabilize the northern third, where precipitation will start from west to east and could accumulate in some areas. heavy rain. The minimums will decrease, except in the southwest of the peninsula, where they will increase, and the maximums will decrease in the northwest third and in the southeast of the country, and increase in the rest. In addition, the winds will generally blow weak.

The AEMET spokesman warned that DANA would be located on Friday in the northwest of the peninsula, which would maintain instability in the far north, with rainfall sometimes abundant And accompanied by storms that could be strong.

These rains will also be likely, although weaker, in the more southern areas. Likewise, temperatures will increase in the eastern half of the peninsula and in the Balearic Islands and decrease in the western half, with little change in the Canary Islands.

“The rainfall is expected to be particularly heavy in Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria in the morning and move eastwards in the afternoon, affecting the rains in the Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarra and Castile and León, where the accumulated concentration could exceed 60 L/m2 in certain areasmainly in the north of Navarre and Huesca”, adds Yurima Celdrán, expert in Weathered.

Torrential rains

The storms have caused very intense rainfall in recent days in the regions of Albacete, Murcia and the Balearic Islands. In Hellín (Albacete) they have accumulated 90 liters per square meter (L/m2) of which 77 L/m2 were collected in just one hour. The AEMET spokesperson also highlighted the 71 L/m2 recorded in Bañalbufar (Balearic Islands), of which 58 L/m2 fell in just one hour, or the 54 L/m2 collected in one hour in Jumilla (Region of Murcia).

In addition, notable amounts were recorded in the towns of Huesca, Gipuzkoa and Alicante. On the other hand, very strong gusts of wind also occurred in parts of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, and maximum temperatures ranged from below 20 degrees Celsius in the areas of the extreme north to above 33 ºC in the interior of the south. third.

Although Bañón stressed that the uncertainty associated with the DANA is high, he warned that this phenomenon over the Cantabrian Sea is expected to move slowly eastward over the weekend. Therefore, On Saturday there will be rain that could affect the southeastern third of the peninsula and areas in the far north.where locally strong storms would be more likely. However, on Sunday they will be limited to the northern third, where they could be strong at times, although lighter showers cannot be ruled out in parts of the east and in the Balearic Islands.




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