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HomeLatest NewsA new phenomenon is coming that will cause a radical change

A new phenomenon is coming that will cause a radical change

A new phenomenon is coming that will cause a radical change in timeAEMET issues an important alert. These are times of change that will seem to plunge us into the worst of this situation that could end up generating more than one inconvenience. We begin the week with an eye on a series of details that will be the ones that will accompany us, whether we like it or not, we must get used to an autumn that will send us a series of fundamental signals and that perhaps we would not expect to arrive with such force.

This radical change that awaits us could end up becoming an unusual situation. Especially if we compare things to the last few days, which could end up making a significant difference. We are used to autumn lasting a little longer. Although in reality, it ends up being a kind of new reality that we have to prepare for. We will have to keep an eye on what is coming, so perhaps we should take into account some key details. AEMET makes a forecast that we have to prepare for and that we may not have imagined until now.

AEMET launches this important alert

This activity alerts you to what is about to happena situation that can really change everything and that will only kick off an autumn that seems to visit us earlier than expected. It is time to see what awaits us and how to face it, continuing this forecast.

It is time to take into account a sky and a time that can be changeable, this will give us joys and sadnesses. Depending on the projects we have in front of us and the situation we are facing, we can begin to create a series of details that are essential and that we might not expect.

Without a doubt, the weather occupies a central place in the season where we traditionally face rain, but also a series of changes that have occurred with force. It is time to regain stability or at least to see that situation arrive that we want to strengthen these days.

After the rains, we can move on to relative calm, but be careful, we must not be complacent. If there is something that makes us change, it is the days that await us and what awaits us in these days with which we struggle.

A phenomenon is happening that will cause a radical change

A a radical change awaits us and perhaps this is what will accompany us in the coming days that await us. Without a doubt, that moment will have arrived when we will be faced with a radical turning point that could end up reserving more than one surprise for us, the AEMET weather forecast has no doubt about it.

Continuing with the same forecast: “The extreme north of the peninsula is expected to be exposed to the Atlantic circulation, leaving cloudy or overcast skies with precipitation in Galicia and Asturias, with possible significant accumulations on the coasts of western Galicia. Likewise, it is likely that the fronts will end up affecting the rest of the Cantabrian environment with less abundant and more dispersed precipitation, without excluding the Northern Plateau and the Pyrenees. Some snowflakes are not to be ruled out on the peaks of the Pyrenees. On the other hand, a situation of instability is expected to persist in the northeast and in the Balearic Islands, with cloudy skies, showers and storms affecting the northeast of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, which could be locally strong in the eastern ends. Isolated showers are not to be ruled out in the afternoon in some areas of the east of the Iberian Peninsula. Lightly cloudy skies or high clouds will predominate in the extreme south of the peninsula and cloudy intervals, with a tendency for cloudiness to increase in the rest of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands, cloudy skies in the north of the islands and slightly cloudy in the rest. Possible morning fog banks in some areas of Galicia, Catalonia, east of the southern plateau, inland Valencia and the Strait.

Temperatures will not undergo significant changes: “Temperatures in general without major changes, predominating the decreases in the maximums in the eastern half, the Ebro, the increases in the rest of the northeastern half and the Balearic Islands. The minimums increase in the north-east and decrease in the Canary Islands and the south-west of Andalusia, without major changes in the rest. Light frosts may occur on the peaks of the Pyrenees. Trade winds in the Canaries, predominance of southwest winds in the north-west quadrant and the Balearic Islands, and west in the southern half of the peninsula. They will generally be weak inland and more intense on the coasts, with strong intervals likely on the coasts of Galicia and without excluding them on those of the Cantabrian Sea. It will be time to prepare the jacket and umbrella before the arrival of the long-awaited summer of San Miguel.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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