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HomeLatest NewsA nutritionist speaks clearly about Mercadona's tomato and confirms what everyone thought:...

A nutritionist speaks clearly about Mercadona’s tomato and confirms what everyone thought: “It’s absurd”

One of the food or the best-selling ingredients in supermarkets as Mercadona It is canned tomato. Whether crushed, best-seller or whole, canned tomato is a versatile product that can be used for all types of recipes and is also the protagonist when it comes to making stir-fries. However, Many people question its nutritional quality because of the supposed levels of sugar it contains.something that has been analyzed by a nutritionist in order to shed light on a myth that seems quite unfounded.

Specifically, Mercadona’s crushed tomato, under the Hacendado brand, has been the focus of attention after the publication of a video on Tik Tok from the nutritionist Mario Ortiz. In the video, clearly explains the reason for the sugar level in the can of tomatoes large compared to the small one because it is quite similar and also what happens with the added sugars that are present in this type of product. Something that has long alarmed some consumers, worried about whether the tomato sold in Mercadona was not of quality or the impact it could have on the diet. However, Ortiz wanted to clarify what happens with the sugar present in the tomato and what it corresponds to, also specifying that the consumption of this type of tomato is totally recommended and does not affect our health in any way. In fact, he compares the fear of the sugar contained in cans of tomatoes to the fear of a meteorite falling at home.

A nutritionist speaks clearly about Mercadona’s tomato

In the video by Mario Ortiz, known on social networks as @marioortiznutritionIt is clear that the theory of those who think that Mercadona tomato is unhealthy because it contains sugar in its list of ingredients, is totally unfounded. Specifically, The large can of crushed tomatoes contains 4.4 grams of sugar, something that causes a certain rejection among some consumers who consider it to be an excessive amount of sugar. But as Ortiz shows in his video, even though it doesn’t appear on the list, the small can of tomatoes actually contains 4 grams of sugar. So what’s really going on?

Ortiz explains in his video that Tomatoes already contain natural sugars which correspond to these 4 grams per can. This means that added sugar in the big boxand which worries some consumers so muchs, is 0.4 grams. A minimum amount that, according to the nutritionist, should serve to correct the acidity of the tomato or also to better preserve it. Thus, this minimal amount of sugar, according to the specialist, should not worry consumers, since its inclusion has a practical rather than harmful significance.

The nutritionist’s message is then clear: the sugar present in these products, in most cases, is not added in a massive or dangerous way, but is often found naturally in tomatoes or is used in tiny quantities. to extend the shelf life of foods and prevent problems such as the growth of pathogens.

The sugar content of crushed tomatoes

Following what Ortiz explained, we must then be clear that when analyzing the sugar content of products such as crushed tomatoes, it is It is essential to distinguish between intrinsic and added sugars. Tomatoes, by nature, contain sugars. These sugars are not bad in themselves and their concentration can vary depending on factors such as the type of tomato and the manufacturing process of the product. In the case of crushed tomatoes, the concentration process can lead to a higher proportion of sugar per 100 grams due to the reduction in water. This does not mean that more sugar is added artificially, but rather that By removing the water from the tomato, the naturally present sugar becomes more concentrated.

On the other hand, the low percentage of added sugar which is mentioned on the Mercadona product (0.4 grams in the large box) It fulfills an essential function. In many packaged foods, especially tomato products, a small amount of sugar helps balances the acidity of the tomato and also acts as a preservative. The goal is to keep the product fresh for longer, avoiding the proliferation of bacteria or mold that could be harmful to health. Mario Ortiz stressed that this use is common in the food industry and should not worry consumers.

In summary, we can say that Just because a food contains sugar does not automatically mean it is harmful.. In the case of Mercadona’s crushed tomatoes, the sugars mentioned on the label include both those that are naturally present in the tomato and those added in small amounts. It is important to distinguish between the two and, above all, not to fall into the trap of eliminating certain foods from the diet based solely on the sugar content listed on the labels.

@marioortiznutricion Don’t be afraid of sugar, but of quantities and their use ✅ You don’t need to be alarmed by something that doesn’t make sense. #sugar #tomato #market #healthy #fitness #fit #food #fitfood #salsa ♬ MONACO – Bad Bunny


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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