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HomeLatest Newsa place where the thermometer drops to -71.2°C

a place where the thermometer drops to -71.2°C

There is a city where the thermometer sometimes dropsreaching numbers never seen before. Now that we are beginning to notice the effects of the cold, which can be decisive, we are facing a situation that will end up being the one that makes the difference. Climate change is beginning to be felt, but not only with extreme heat, but also with moments of intense cold just as dangerous, if not more so, than the increase in temperatures.

While Spain becomes an Iberian oven when summer arrives, some areas of the planet have to face a very different situation. This change of cycle arrives and could end up being what will fully affect us in a few days in which perhaps until now we had not taken into account what ended up happening these days. The heat can be a problem, but so is the cold. Out of curiosity or perhaps also to get out of the routine and take a photo with a thermometer in one of the coldest places on the planet where people live, this city breaks all records.

This city is the coldest in the world

Human beings can adapt to almost any situation, fighting against a series of elements that can end up making a significant difference in all respects. The time will come to start worrying about the cold in Spain, a cold that has nothing to do with that of other parts of the planet.

Yeah we look at the temperatures in our countryThere are winter days when you can even go out of the house in short sleeves, something unthinkable in other parts of the world. Corners in which human beings have not hesitated to do their part, a place to which we must begin to get used.

It seems that with climate change looming on the horizon, we will experience more and more days when temperatures soar. We will reach particularly dangerous numbers that can endanger life that continues to spread in the most remote areas of the planet.

People in Turkey live in exceptional conditions that have broken all records, nothing less than -70 degrees during a nightmarish winter.

This is where the thermometer drops, reaching -71.2ºC

Thermometers have plummeted this winter in a place in the world that has broken a record, becoming the city that has reached -71.2ºC. A figure that makes the hair stand on end, in a cold winter to which the inhabitants of this city located in Turkey are accustomed.

Oymyakon is where the thermometer drops. The good news for these people is that they live near a thermal power plant that provides them with the energy needed to heat their homes. Without this heating, life would be impossible, leaving home is already another challenge to be able to keep up with the pace of this city that has become one of the coldest in the world.

Social media made it viral and allowed us to learn a little more about this unique place: “With temperatures reaching 71.2 °C, the city of Oymyakon, in eastern Siberia in Russia, is considered the coldest agglomeration on the planet. In this region where about 500 inhabitants live, winter lasts nine months and the sun lasts only a few hours a day. The inhabitants benefit from heating from the city’s coal-fired power plant, but they also have to close doors and windows to compensate for the losses. The pipes are also cold, so there are small houses outside the house, with holes dug in the snow, to meet their needs. Citizens usually do not spend more than 20 minutes there and often have to do their business outside. Their diet is mainly based on fish, frozen animals such as rabbits or reindeer. Even lower temperatures have been recorded in Antarctica (officially the lowest temperature is -91°C near the Antarctic mountain range).

As we can see, it is a unique type of city that someone will surely want to go to. If we see these temperatures in winter, we might be afraid or a little curious. We are discovering more and more this type of trips that will end up being the ones that will accompany us in a few days and for which we may not be completely prepared.

It’s time to start packing winter clothes, perhaps thinking about a getaway to a cold city, but surely not as cold as this one, where the coldest temperatures in our country are far exceeded.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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