A serious fire is raging in the Volgodonsk district of the Rostov region, and the village of Romanovka is completely cut off from transport links. Telegram channels are posting videos from the scene.
A landscape fire near the village of Romanovskaya, 227 kilometres from Rostov-on-Don, has not been extinguished for several hours. The situation is made more complicated by strong winds of up to 22 m/s and a dust storm that hit the region.
“Dried grass and several fields are burning. The road to the village is now blocked and cars are turning around. In the village itself, the power has already gone out; residents are hastily evacuating their homes. Authorities have already advised residents of neighbouring villages to close their windows due to the thick smoke.” — writes TK Shot.
Firefighters are working on the scene and a large number of volunteers, including local Cossacks, are also arriving.