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A Spanish woman tells what she earns working as a babysitter in Switzerland and leaves everyone speechless

A The Spanish woman decided to tell her story of her experience as a babysitter in SwitzerlandHalf the country was shocked to discover what they earn working in this country. Spain has become a country where young people find it increasingly difficult to advance. Whether or not they have a career or a permanent job, the salaries do not allow them to lead a decent life, especially if you live in certain areas of the country where housing or services are very expensive.

On the other hand, when you leave this country you realize that there are places where salaries are much higher. It seems that we are going back in time and we are doing it in such a way that we have to start preparing ourselves to do the same thing that our grandparents and parents did, leaving home to find a better future or to be able to have some savings to live on. In the 70s, many Spaniards decided to go to Switzerland in search of a better job, a country that welcomed this workforce with open arms, something that perhaps we had not taken into account until now.

This Spanish woman tells us what she earns

In Spain, salaries have increased, but not at the same rate as spending. In fact, in recent years, not only have we lost purchasing power, but a contradiction has arisen that exists practically nowhere else in the world. There are poor people who have stable jobs.

We are facing a situation that many are not prepared for or do not want to resign themselves to. Children will live and will live worse than their parents, as we have seen. The problems of Spain as a country in which to carry out a vital project are not only not resolved, but are becoming more pronounced.

Many young people decide to leave their homes to go to another country. They want to have money in their pockets and perhaps save a little to be able to develop a vital project in conditions. This time will have come to put into practice some elements that will end up being those that accompany us in the days that await us.

This young woman opens our eyes to salaries that have gone viral. Taking care of children involves a lot of responsibility, but it is also a good source of income without much effort.

What This Young Woman Earns As A Babysitter Leaves Everyone Speechless

Many were left speechless when they discovered what this young woman earns as a babysitter in Switzerland. With children who spend most of their working hours sleeping, that is, she only has to read a book and watch them, she can also watch television. What you can earn in this profession is nothing more and nothing less than 30 francs or euros.

The time will come to do the math, which will really end up giving a series of details that are essential. Thus, in about 8 hours, you can earn nothing more or less than 240 euros. An amount of money that could end up giving this young woman what she needs in less time.

in a week you can earn that 1200 euros you need to earn per month herewhich means that in one month you will earn 4 times more in Switzerland with a job that can even be enjoyable if you like children. Something that can end up costing us a sum of money that invites us to leave our country to head to a foreign country.

The sacrifice of this young woman, leaving what she knows for the unknown, can help her pay for her first car or make a down payment on a house. A dream come true that, here in Spain, would involve investing years and years to earn the same. But above all, to save the money that is needed.

It will be one more experience on your resume or perhaps the moment to make that life change that we have ahead of us and that may end up being what accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us. We are living in a time of crisis in a country that no longer seems to offer as many opportunities as before or that no longer allows us to develop that vital project that we all want to put into practice.

This will be the time to set the course for a series of changes that could involve a significant transfer. Switzerland is one of the countries that continues to open its arms waiting for the arrival of the Spanish to work in the service sector or in others where there is a lack of qualified labor. The networks are burning with what this girl charges for babysitting, the salaries must be very high to allow this hourly rate.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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