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HomeLatest NewsA Thyssen manager staged an anti-colonial exhibition after accompanying Sumar

A Thyssen manager staged an anti-colonial exhibition after accompanying Sumar

The artistic director of Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, Guillermo Solanalaunched the exhibition Colonial memory in the Thyssen-Bornemisza collections after appearing on Sumar’s lists in the last European elections. The PP asked the government in writing if it would consider revisiting the work due to the “literal adequacy” of this exhibition “with the ideological line of the Sumar political party.” The Executive responded that, like any decision of the center, it was taken “autonomously”. And he defends the director of the museum by relying on the “right to participate in public affairs”, enshrined in the Constitution.

The exhibition is described on the museum’s website as a meeting to show the “stories invisible of racial dominationmaroonage and the fight for civil rights. Furthermore, he emphasizes that “the colonial system is at the origin of Western modernity and its legacy continues to affect human and geopolitical relations.” “Europe was moving forward in the conquest of freedoms while imposing a extractivist regime and of physical domination on their territories across the planet”, denounces the exhibition in its introductory text.

The Thyssen focuses on “European military control, the use of enslaved African labor and the land grabbing And raw materialsoriginally American and, later, also Asian and African.

On the other hand, it is regrettable that from the West “unsatisfied desires” were projected towards the East and that “the construction of other as barbarous either primitive“. It is for this reason that he urges us to “rethink the future based on the parameters of cultural diversity”.

“Consistent with Sumar’s ideology”

The PP, in a written response question from the government, asked the executive on June 12 if it considered it necessary to review the exhibition due to its “literal adequacy with the ideological line of the Sumar political party at the head of the ministry.” of Culture.”

In the eyes of popularthere is a “possible conflict of interest” because Solana was on the list of European women of the party led by the second vice-president of the government, Yolanda Diaz. “This could compromise his independence at the head of a public body attached to the Ministry of Culture”, affirm the signatory deputies of the PP: Borja Semper, Maria Soledad Cruz-Guzman, Eduardo Carazo And Jaime de los Santos.

The political leaders of the group based on rue Génova in Madrid explain it as “surprising” that “one of the ideological lines of the Ministry of Culture was the decolonization of museums and that Thyssen inaugurated the exhibition on June 25”.

From the PP, they explain that “the Museum has approved a Code of Ethics guarantee a transparent policy of good governance. This text considers a “conflict of interest” when “the personal, financial or external interests of a person concerned may interfere or be perceived as undue influence in the exercise of his or her responsibilities”. Something that ends up “reducing independence and impartiality due to the expectation or reality of the perception of a direct or indirect benefit for oneself or for third parties”, as the code specifies.

In the eyes of these PP deputies, the presence of the artistic director on the Sumar lists in the European elections last June is what is prohibited by the ethical standards of the museum. “THE cultural programmatic line of Sumar could become the programmatic line of the Thyssen Museum in exchange for possible direct benefits in the future”, they warn.

“This puts management itself in danger”

On the other hand, they express that if this conflict existed, the artistic director should “abstain from the decisions which are the subject of the conflict”. But this would imply “refraining from defining the artistic line of the museum”, causing, in practice, “paralysis in museological terms”.

The connection between Sumar and the artistic director drives the popular that there could be a “review of the exhibitions organized by the Thyssen Museum”. And they fear that, if the Minister of Culture, Ernest UrtasunSolana press, its capacity for influence, by being part of Sumar, could “endanger the management of the cultural heritage of this institution”.

The government responded that the foundation through which the museum is controlled “belongs to the public sector of the state” but “autonomously adopts the decisions it deems appropriate.” Furthermore, he emphasizes that decisions “are approved collectively by the board of directors”.

Likewise, in another written response, the Executive defended Solana by invoking her “right to participate in public affairs.” “They have the right to access public functions and positions under conditions of equality,” assured the government, paraphrasing article 23 of the law. Spanish Constitution.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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