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HomeTop Storiesa transposition, an approval and a “literal” text to that of Rajoy

a transposition, an approval and a “literal” text to that of Rajoy

The socialist part of the Spanish government could have explained that the reform which will benefit dozens of ETA members sentenced This is good, just as it makes no sense for an ETA prisoner to serve 20 years in prison in France and another 30 if the limit here is 30. This is a good or bad political position, but defensible. However, for now, they put themselves in profile. In addition, Pilar Alegría made three rounds to explain the subject during the press conference that followed the Council of Ministers this Tuesday. Is this really a “simple transposition”? Has the Council of State approved it? Is this the same as that approved by Rajoy’s executive?

“We are faced with a transposition of European regulations to the Spanish State, a transposition of European regulations in our country,” the minister’s spokesperson told the media. Some words that are not accurate. It is true that the law is a transposition, but the amendment introduced by Sumar, which advances the release of ETA members from prison, is not.

The second trap occurs when he assures that The standard has the approval of the Council of State. “The first thing we have is a report from the Council of State of December 16, 2023, pages 53-54, a report – as I say – which unanimously endorses this law.” The key in this case is the date, since the amendment exists, but it arrived before the famous amendment. In short, what was ratified has nothing to do with what was ultimately approved.

Later, Alegría emphasized that “this text that is going to be approved in the Senate is literal, listen to me carefully, literal to the text that the PP government approved, of Mr. [Mariano] Rajoy, here at Council of Ministers of the year 2014. Literally.” Another trap. This is the same text that the former president approved before modifying it.

The Popular Executive, however, approved the text when it realized that The ETA murderers would benefit With this legal change, they solved the problem. In fact, they fixed it in the Senate. Upper house in which the people of Feijóo now have an absolute majority and are ready to try to correct your “mistake” postpone the vote next weekwhile accusing the government of “para-parliamentary tetra”.

Despite Alegría’s pitfalls, what Sánchez’s executive can hold on to is that A few months ago, a National Court tribunal asked Europe to clarify once and for all what he had to do with the ETA convictions. More precisely, for a member of ETA who was going to spend 20 years in prison in France and 30 more in Spain.

This is the case of Soledad Iparaguirre Amboto, member of ETA, on whom two magistrates of the Spanish court asked a preliminary question before the Court of Justice of the EU in which they declared that she could produce punitive disproportion. This is the first time that A Spanish court has questioned this regulation which prevents a prisoner sentenced to sentences in an EU country other than Spain from being able to deduct these sentences from those he awaits in Spain.




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