Home Breaking News A two-year-old Salvadoran girl who traveled alone, the face of migrant minors...

A two-year-old Salvadoran girl who traveled alone, the face of migrant minors trying to reach the United States

A two-year-old Salvadoran girl who traveled alone, the face of migrant minors trying to reach the United States

A two-year-old girl from El Salvador detained at the Mexico-US border has become the latest image of the the immigration drama that America is experiencing. She was traveling alone and only had a post-it with a name and telephone number. Thanks to this, 60 other minors were arrested who were trying to enter this North American country before Donald Trump took office as president, due to the repressive policies of his previous mandate.

In a video released by the Border Patrol, an agent asks the girl, “Are you coming alone?” to which the girl responds, “yes.” “How old are you?” he asks again and the little girl replies: “Two years”. Finally, the officer insisted: “Where are you going?” » The answer is overwhelming: “With mom and dad,” who have already crossed the border.

The testimonies of the rest of those arrested are no less crude: “I come from Ecuador, I am 17 years old and I am going to California”, “I come from Ecuador, I am 17 years old and I am going to New Jersey,” “My name is Cheda, I am 4 years old”“I’m from Honduras, I’m 12 years old and I’m going to Meryland”, “I’m from Guatemala, I’m 16 years old and I’m going to North Carolina.”

Although they are of different origins and ages, they all share the same goal, to reach the United States before the inauguration of Trump, who, during his previous stage as president, dedicated himself to cage and separate minors from their parents. And for this, they are ready to undertake these journeys during which no one guarantees your safetyin which they are exposed to child exploitation and in many cases they end up disappearing.


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