lThe legislative elections resulted in a face-to-face confrontation between the New Popular Front (NFP) and the President of the Republic, awaiting the appointment of a Prime Minister who would embody the relative victory of the left in the second round. This situation, which seems to overshadow all other political forces since these elections, was born from the unexpected success of the Republican front. But also from the weak professionalization of the National Rally (RN), whose candidates did not know or did not know how to impose themselves in a political debate where their values and their capabilities seemed not to be in tune with what the French people were looking for.
The result of the second round of the legislative elections can rightly be interpreted as a refusal to see Jordan Bardella arrive at Matignon. The RN has not been able to fully demonise itself due to the very unfortunate outbursts of some candidates and, above all, it has not succeeded in convincing people of its ability to govern at a time when international or climatic threats require enlightened decisions.
That said, it would be a mistake to infer from this that the left has influence over the values and electoral choices of the French. As such, the mechanical effects of withdrawals in favour of the highest-placed candidate in the second round against the RN candidate may be misleading. The results of the Ipsos electoral survey for The worldthe Jean Jaurès Foundation, the Sciences Po Centre for Political Research and the Montaigne Institute, held from 26 to 1 JulyAhem August reveals very significant results.
Teachers, the only bastion of the left
If we look at the results no longer in terms of seats but in terms of votes, the RN is in first place in all professions and the right dominates the left. For example, private sector employees voted in the second round with 23% for the NFP candidates, 23% for those in the presidential camp but 54% for all right-wing candidates (if we take into account that Macronism is not right-wing), including 42% for RN and right-wing sovereignist candidates. The electoral control of the RN over workers has not diminished since its candidates obtained 59% of the votes of skilled industrial workers, those of the Republicans (LR) and various right-wing parties (DVD) 6%, those in the presidential camp 13%, while those of the left obtained 22%.
To this quantitative dimension we must add the qualitative extension of the RN electorate, which continues to expand and integrate the middle and upper social categories. Its candidates obtain high scores in the liberal professions (28%), among the managers of the private sector (32%), to which are also added all the managers of the three public services (31% on average). In the area of public services, only teachers continue to constitute a bastion of the left: 34% voted for the left (including 32% for the NFP), 32% for Ensemble (the coalition of the presidential camp), 12% for DVDs and LR and 20% for registered nurses. But, on average, in the public service of the State, the left accounts for 26%, together 27%, LR and DVD 11% and the RN 36%, which constitutes an all-time high.
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