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HomeLatest NewsA week of marches in the south of the province of Córdoba...

A week of marches in the south of the province of Córdoba will require public health improvements

The south of Cordoba is mobilizing in favor of public healthwhich, in the opinion of several organizing associations, suffers a constant loss of services and resources. With the participation of the residents of Luque, Zuheros, Nueva Carteya and Doña Mencía, the week of marches in defense of public health will begin this Sunday, October 6 at 10:30 a.m. at the Carteya intersection, at the intersection of the A- 318 and CO- roads. 5206.

The visit will be carried out on foot, towards the health center of Goatwhere we plan to arrive around 1:00 p.m. At that time, a great concentration will take place to make visible the requests which motivate this mobilization.

Organizers list a long list of problems: waiting lists for more than 10 days with their doctors, appointments lasting more than a year to basic tests health and for specialized care in their reference hospitals and pediatric care “very deficient or even non-existent in clinics.”

To facilitate the participation of those who cannot cover the entire route on foot, several meeting points where interested people can join the walk. The first point of incorporation will be in the Mitra Hotelwhere the arrival of demonstrators is expected at 12:15 p.m., and the second at the Cabra bus station, around 12:45 p.m.

In this way, we attempt to include a the greatest number of people running without the route being an obstacle for those who cannot travel long distances.

Before the official march, the participant platforms organized a symbolic output from the same municipalities. In Ms. Menciathis event is scheduled for the same Sunday, at 9:15 a.m. in the Plaza de Andalucía, where participants will meet to begin the walking tour to Avenida del Laderón. At 9:45 a.m., from this point, they will leave by car towards the Nueva Carteya crossing, where they will join the bulk of the general march.


From the platforms they point out that during the march towards Cabra, participants must walk in single file on the shoulder of the road, therefore the use of reflective vests to ensure everyone’s safety.

In addition, it is recommended that participants bring enough water to stay hydrated throughout the journey, as the walk is expected to last several hours.

Delays in consultations, poor pediatric care and lack of basic tests are among the complaints

The route of this walk does not end on Sunday. On Monday, this will continue with a stage which will leave from Cabra towards Genil Bridge. On Tuesday the demonstrators will reach Aguilar de la Frontera, on Wednesday they will reach Montilla and on Thursday they will head towards Montalban.

On Friday, the walkers will leave from Montalbán and La Rambla heading towards Montemayor, on Saturday the destination will be Fernán Núñez, and finally, on Sunday October 13, the march will reach Cordoba capital.

All the villages will converge towards Cordoba and together they will parade towards the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, in front of the AVE stationwhere there will be a great concentration. This action will culminate a week of mobilizations with the objective of demanding improvements in the public health system, mainly in localities affected by the lack of resources and health personnel appropriate.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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