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HomeTop StoriesÁbalos requests readmission to the PSOE as his suspension file for activism...

Ábalos requests readmission to the PSOE as his suspension file for activism has expired

The former Minister of Transport and current member of the Joint Group, Jose Luis Abalosasked his reinstatement in the PSOE as an activist considering that his file has expired and has requested to recover “all his membership rights”, according to the letter to which LaSexta had access. The match Abalos’ activism was suspended last February. after his former adviser Koldo García’s alleged involvement in the mask plot became public.

In the document, the former minister claims that the suspension file has been “absolutely paralyzed” for six months, which infringes on their “political rights”. In it, he explains that on February 27th “proceeded to open the file by accepting the suspension “preservative measure of militancy” and that on March 1, within the statutory deadline, the former minister “proposed carrying out a series of tests.”

However, he adds, since that date “the file was absolutely crippling“It goes without saying that to date no communication of grievances has been issued against this MP,” they stress.

PSOE sources told LaSexta that the party “cannot reveal any procedure that affects a person, beyond what is strictly necessary when membership is suspended for the reasons mentioned at the time.” Likewise, they assured that it had been put in hands of the party’s legal services.

The reasons given by Ábalos for his readmission

Ábalos argued in his writings that “although it is true that neither the statutes nor the regulations that elaborate them establish a specific period for a trial period on the part of the instructor, as well as a maximum period of resolution, this omission can in no case support the organization maintain sine die an open file with preventive suspension which seriously undermines the political rights of a deputy”.

For this reason, he understands that “in the face of such a gap, it is necessary to resort to the common administrative regime as a complement, as is reflected in other aspects related to the functioning of the parties.” He mentions Law 39/2015 of October 1 on the common administrative procedure of public administrations, which establishes a maximum of six months.

Faced with this, the former minister emphasizes that his situation “far exceeds the common deadline to resolve the case, without knowing that a possible suspension of the case has been requested, but simply” he finds himself “in a situation of absolute inactivity of the organization.” ab initio“He therefore believes that he must declare himself”the expiration of the file, which would automatically render the preventive suspension of activism null and void.

And relations between the socialists and Ábalos have deteriorated in recent weeks.after the Ministry of Transport published an audit on the period in which the MP held this portfolio. As a result of this audit, the current MP of the Joint Group has begun to disregard the electoral discipline of his former colleagues, as he had done until now, which endangers the tight parliamentary majorities that the PSOE and Sumar government submits.




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