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Ábalos submits to the Court an expert report that discredits Puente’s “biased” audit

Jose Luis Abalos submitted this Friday to the investigating judge of Koldo case before the Court an expert report which discredits the controversial audit of the Ministry of Transport promoted by his successor, Oscar Bridgeto be “biased“As OKDIARIO learned, the former minister asked Judge Ismael Moreno present oneself as “wronged”” in the proceedings against his former advisor Koldo García for alleged crimes of criminal organization, money laundering, bribery, crimes against the public treasury and influence peddling.

Ábalos’ lawyer claims that the former Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda and now a member of the General Courts in the Joint Group “is affected by the accumulation of informationappearing in audiovisual and written media, as well as on social networks, in which, as reported by the State Public Prosecutor’s Office, information extracted from police reports and possibly from case documents is incorporated.

“Among these leaks, basicallyand the reports of the Central Operational Union (UCO), in which, through significant signs of attention, the priority and relevance of certain e-mails that systematically appear in the media are determined,” adds the lawyer.

On the other hand, he states that to date, the National Court “has not sent any summons or request for information to Ábalos and, of course, has not been summoned under any conditions.” However, “without being involved in the investigation José Luis Ábalos continues to disseminate information and news which concern him personally and directly, also knowing that this Court has requested from the Ministry of Transport a document prepared by the inspection services of said Ministry, under cover of an alleged auditcarried out in connection with the rental and distribution of masks in the event of a pandemic.

“Inappropriate” broadcast

Ábalos maintains that the said report should in principle have “only the potential of internal control in order to recommend improvements in the management of the service.” But the ministry, he says, “proceeded to its public dissemination and brought to the attention of the general public, without the ministerial decree ordering its preparation having been published in the BOE, a circumstance which testifies to the inadmissibility that it be widely disseminated on the ministry’s website.

The Court requested the Ministry to submit the said report for the purpose of investigating the matter. In this context, Ábalos requested contradictory expert report prepared by a specialized expert. The former minister joins him by addressing the judge. This counter-report “analyses and evaluates lack of methodology “As an audit, it is about distorting each of the statements that the aforementioned report projects and focuses on it.” OKDIARIO had access to this audit which concludes: “The audit report does not comply with the fundamental principles of auditing due to the presence of obvious prejudices. Furthermore, the arguments presented are not duly justified and the content of the report contains subjectivities, which compromises its objectivity and reliability.

As Ábalos has pointed out in recent months, the ministerial audit of Puente “is ordered when the Court of Auditors had already published an inspection report on the mask purchasing operation during the pandemic, with the final result that no illegality was found, and that the possible errors “The hiring was justified by the royal decree of the state of emergency and by the urgent need for equipment.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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