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HomeLatest NewsAbascal encourages Spaniards to "start defending themselves" against immigration

Abascal encourages Spaniards to “start defending themselves” against immigration

Vox president Santiago Abascal said Wednesday that the government is “favoring an invasion” of migrants in Spain “hand in hand with the Popular Party” and suggested that Spaniards “start defending themselves” against immigration.

“The Spanish are going to have to start defending themselves. But really. Because the governments (that of Moncloa and that of the autonomies) have directly betrayed them, defrauded them and sold them out,” said the leader of the ultra party in a message from X, without calling for any specific demonstration or mobilization of his electorate for the moment.

“They are encouraging an invasion. They are doing it hand in hand with the People’s Party and all its international masters. From Ursula to Kemala,” he added, referring to the policies of the President of the European Commission and Democratic candidate in the US elections, Kamala Harris.

These statements by the far-right leader come after the President of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, currently on an official trip to Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia, said last night that migration is not a problem, but “a necessity that implies certain problems.” Sánchez also insisted that it was “fundamental” for the Spanish economy.

Sánchez concluded two memoranda with Mauritania and Gambia to articulate mechanisms for the legal entry of migrants into Spain. A few hours after his words, this morning, the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, also accused the government of “encouraging a call effect” migrants. The popular leader criticizes Sánchez for “promoting Spain as a destination” instead of “going to Africa to fight the mafias”, also in a message published on his X profile “The opposite of the rest of the EU. Whoever comes, contract of origin and letter of compliance with our laws”, he adds.

The President of the government Sánchez has advocated in Mauritania to manage migration in a way that benefits societies and to fight against human trafficking mafias. He signed a memorandum with the country to promote circular migration – the temporary hiring of workers in specific sectors – and to strengthen cooperation in security and the fight against organized crime, contrary to what the two right-wing leaders suggest in their messages.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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