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ABINI describes the new housing proposals announced by the Sánchez government as “ineffective”

The Balearic Association of National and International Real Estate Companies (ABINI) calls “ineffective” THE new housing proposals announced by the government of Pedro Sanchez and urges the Executive to work to free up public land in collaboration with the private sector to promote the construction of social and affordable housing.

ABINI thus expressed in a press release its “deep concern” about Sánchez’s measures, because, according to it, “they continue to make the problems worse that the real estate sector is facing, particularly in the Balearic Islands.

For this association, the results it has achieved in terms of housing during the six years of Pedro Sánchez’s government are “Sorry” and they justified it by saying that the land law “did not materialize” and that the housing law, “far from resolving the problems announced, had negative effects”.

“These laws created a tighter market, raising rent prices and reducing supply.. Instead of correcting this dangerous trajectory, the government is proposing new measures which, in the case of the Balearic Islands, will not only be ineffective, but will even risk worsening the situation”, they defended.

Among the new regulations, they said that The Register of Tourist and Seasonal Apartments “imposes new bureaucratic burdens” both owners and intermediaries, by “requiring them to register each accommodation”. “Although this may seem like a measure intended to regulate the market, in reality it only adds to administrative complications without offering real solutions,” they noted.

ABINI considers that these measures “they will not stop temporary rental contractsbut they will verify them a posteriori”, which, in their view, “leads to greater legal uncertainty and unnecessary complexity”.

The president of ABINI, Hans Lenzargued that the current supply of rental housing in the Balearic Islands “has decreased by 30%, while prices have increased by 25% since the Housing Law came into force.” For these reasons, he indicated that the measures will lead to “more non-compliance on the part of owners” and “more complications” for register managers.

“When a law is passed, it is essential to be able to guarantee its compliance. In the Balearic Islands it has not yet been possible to effectively control the illegal supply of holiday rentals. “How can we expect real estate platforms to operate differently from vacation rental platforms?” he asked, to which he added: “There is no guarantee that these new measures will improve the current situation”.

Another measure they addressed is the rent assistance of 250 euros intended for young peoplewhich limits access to rents to 300 euros per room, 600 euros per month for an apartment or up to 900 euros if the autonomous community considers that it must be increased. “In Palma there are currently only ten offers with these characteristics on housing search portals,” he noted.

In addition, he pointed out that the cases of beneficiaries who “took up to two years to receive the aid” have accumulated, reason for which they alleged that, in its current configuration, “it is not realistic in the context of the Balearic Market.”

“If the central government does not adapt the parameters of this aid to the reality of prices in the Balearic Islands, not only will it not be effective, but it will increase the frustration of young people who seek access to housing in the region”, they underlined. ABINI thus asked the Government to Support the urgent approval of the Law on Emergency Housing Measures in the Balearic Islands.

Concerning the management of public lands, the entity gave an example of “inefficiency” in the management of They are Busquetswhich has “decades of neglect and bureaucracy and remains underdeveloped.” “This inaction only demonstrates how the lack of collaboration between administrations has damaged the well-being of the people of the Balearic Islands,” they said.

For these reasons, they demanded that instead of “adding layers of bureaucracy”, “pragmatic and viable solutions be adopted that promote greater collaboration between the public and private sectors, in addition to an adaptation of regulations to local reality.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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