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Access control of the smart car park in Plaza de la Constitución in Tudela is put into operation

From this Monday, the intelligent parking access control system public located in the Plaza de la Constitución, although sanctions will begin to be applied on October 1.

This implementation was announced this morning by the Councilor for Sustainable Urban Development, Zeus Pérez, who was accompanied by the sub-inspector of the local police, Ricardo Casamian.

“It’s a parking lot. public, free and rotating “with the aim of contributing to the improvement of commercial economic activity in the city center,” said Perez. “It is open 24 hours a day, but with a Maximum free parking allowed for 3 hours, between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.“The rest of the hours, from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., you can park without restrictions,” explained the mayor.

“With this system, we plan to have a rotation, considering that three hours are enough to go shopping, do administrative procedures, have a drink or eat. The fact that it is from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. without limitation allows you to dine or even spend the night in Tudela” said the adviser.

Deadline Exceeded will result in appropriate sanctionsin application of the recently approved ordinance on sustainable urban mobility, the amounts of which are similar to those of the blue zone.

“In this sense -explains Ricardo Casamián- exceeding the time allowed up to double entails a penalty of 30 euros; between double and quadruple (from 6 to 12 hours) the the fine to be paid will be 60 euros and more than quadruple (more than 12 hours) will result in a fine of 200 euros.

Access control

The access control system, awarded to the company in May Telefónica Security Engineering, SAU, amounting to 54,954.14 euros, consists of 2 automatic license plate reading cameras with infrared lighting.

These, integrated into a totem, communicate via a data network with a server, where the access control software is installed. This allows to configure the free permanence of vehicles during the determined time slot, which, once exceeded, will generate a notice for the person responsible for managing the smart parking and a possible sanction. This system is completed by two indicative signs to make the available spaces visible.

Municipal management parking lot

The Plaza de la Constitución car park belongs to the municipality and will now be managed by the City Hall. It has two floors, 116 parking spaces and 2 pedestrian accesses.

How this parking lot will be remembered It was built on municipal initiativewhose project was approved by the Plenary in 1999. The management was awarded through a service concession contract in May 2001 until the end of 2016. At that time, the concessionaire presented a negative operating result and it was returned to the City Hall for lack of profitability.

In 2017, the Tudela City Hall A call for tenders was issued as an administrative concession for each of these positions, but it was returned void.

Since then it has remained closed and is only used in Santa Ana festivities or for the works on Eza, Sarasate and Capuchinos streets during the last legislature.

After considering several options, the Tudela City Hall decided to open it in 2023 and to set up an access control system and thus transform it into a smart car park, the contracting process for which began in April 2023 and was awarded last May 2024.

Additional actions

In addition to the installation of the control system, various development or improvement actions have been carried out, such as the commissioning and expansion of the video surveillance system. Installation of anti-parasitic elements, inspection of elevators and fire prevention systems, hiring of a cleaning service and improvement of lighting.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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