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HomeLatest NewsAccommodation in the most beautiful cities in Spain: the best places

Accommodation in the most beautiful cities in Spain: the best places

The Spanish geography is dotted with many charming cities. Places that seem to have stopped in time, where culture and nature are in perfect harmony and where history tells us about a past of splendor. Ideal cities to disconnect from everything and dedicate time to yourself, enjoying the tranquility of the environment, far from the hustle and bustle of the big cities.

There are many beautiful cities, but only some have the recognition of belonging to The most beautiful cities in Spaina distinction that rewards municipalities with fewer than 15,000 inhabitants that pay special attention to the care of heritage, urban planning, the harmony of the municipality, its cleanliness, the conservation of facades, vehicle circulation, the care of flowers and green spaces. , scheduled cultural activity and even attention to traditions. Almagro, Chinchón, Mojácar, Sos del Rey Católico and Guadalupe are five of them and, at the same time, five perfect examples to explore different moments in the history of Spain.

In addition to being rich in heritage and offering a deeply rooted local cuisine, typical of traditional recipes, they are ideal destinations to get lost among silent stone streets and accommodations where you can forget everything. The best possible immersion is achieved by resting in unique buildings and, for this purpose, Paradores is present in these five cities, as well as in seven other cities that are part of this list. Thus, its network not only always guarantees first-class accommodation, but also contributes to the revitalization of an emptied Spain, with 70% of its accommodations in cities with fewer than 35,000 inhabitants, as is the case in these destinations, where they protect architectural and natural treasures. of incalculable value.

Almagro: the theatre of the Golden Age

Declared a Historic-Artistic Site, the city of Almagro captivates visitors with its impressive porticoed Plaza Mayor, the Convent of the Assumption, the Casa Palacio Juan Jédler, the Church of San Agustín, the Mirador del Silo or the Convent of Santa Catalina. But if there is something that should not be overlooked, it is its corral of 17th century comedies, a worthy heir to the theater of the Golden Age. In fact, since 1979, it has had its own Classical Theater Festival.

In order not to break with the classic atmosphere of the city, but to allow you to immerse yourself even more in it, the Parador de Almagro is located in a 17th-century convent, which allows it to offer 14 interior patios and fruit gardens. The refectory and the wine cellar remain original and the monastic setting is perfect for enjoying the delicious cuisine of La Mancha. Almagro aubergines included, of course.

Chinchón: a whole historical and artistic complex

Less than an hour from Madrid, in the heart of the Vega del Tajuña, is Chinchón, a small town declared, not without reason, a historical-artistic site. Here, the fame goes to its Plaza Mayor, one of the most beautiful in Spain, surrounded by more than 200 balconies that once served as a stage for bullfights and theatrical performances. But also not to be missed are the Casa de la Cadena, the Clock Tower, the Castillo de los Condes and the Monastery of Nuestra Señora del Paraíso, today the Parador de Chinchón.

Located in such a place, where original elements such as the cloister and the chapter house are preserved, the Parador de Chinchón offers visits to also discover other spaces such as the doctoral room, the stables or the old laundry. It has the particularity of having converted an old chapel into a room and of offering a restaurant where you can taste local specialties such as the taba stew.

Mojácar: a crossroads of cultures

Mojácar has a lot to say. From the outside, it is famous for its profile of white houses perched on the hill, with the sea and the Cabrera mountain in the background. But once inside, we will discover a picturesque and bohemian enclave, a refuge for artists and intellectuals of the last century, where the arches and vaults of some of its buildings remind us of its Arab past. What should not be forgotten is the plaque placed in the Plaza de las Twelve Canals, where the surrender of the last Islamic guardian, Alavez, is remembered, claiming his Spanish condition, the result of the seven centuries during which his people settled. there.

In this case, the Parador de Mojácar is located just five kilometers from the old town and offers spectacular views of the Almeria coast from its terraces and rooms. A perfect place to rest and also enjoy traditional seafood dishes such as cuttlefish curd or garruchero rice.

You are the Catholic King: The Middle Ages, Today

You are from the Catholic King, originating from the 10th century, you do not need an introduction. This medieval town located in the region of Cinco Villas, in Zaragoza, is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in Spain and always worth a visit. A walled city with seven access gates that breathes history on its four sides, since it was here that King Ferdinand the Catholic was born in 1452. In addition to visiting the Sada Palace where the monarch was born, we can also visit its old Jewish quarter. , approach the medieval market, now a library, and the church of San Esteban to see its crypt.

To rest, regain strength and continue to soak up the essence of this place, we can stay at the Parador de Sos del Rey Católico, housed in an Aragonese manor house to blend in with the historic atmosphere of the city. Its restaurant is also the ideal place to enjoy authentic Aragonese cuisine, with dishes that pay homage to Ternasco de Aragón and local vegetables.

Guadeloupe: World Heritage Site

Located in the heart of the UNESCO Villuercas-Ibores-Jara Global Geopark, Guadalupe is one of the most emblematic cities in all of Extremadura. It is known worldwide for the Royal Monastery of Our Lady of Guadalupe, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where Columbus met the Catholic Monarchs and they gave him the three mythical caravels. But it is also always interesting to let yourself be carried away by its cobbled streets to find small squares and numerous facades with neat balconies, flowered and full of splendor.

To integrate even more with the monumentality of the city, the Parador de Guadalupe here occupies two historic buildings: the Hospital de San Juan Bautista and the Colegio de Infantes, both from the 14th century. Rehabilitated to house this accommodation, among its cloisters, gardens and rooms we find a mystical and serene atmosphere, and in its restaurant the best local cuisine with dishes such as zorongollo and the crumbs of Extremadura.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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