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“According to the professional consulted, the diagnosis of ADHD is a lottery for families”

The Occitadys network, a territorial network of caregivers in the Occitanie region, specialises in the diagnosis and monitoring of language and learning disorders, including attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD). Its model makes it possible to shorten access times to care, while moving away from the fee-for-service method of pricing. Financed thanks to a legal provision introduced in 2018, Article 51 of the Social Security financing law, which allows new healthcare organisations to be tested, it is about to become generalised, after three years of experimentation. Meeting with its president, Toulouse paediatrician Thiébaut-Noël Willig.

First of all, a few words about the recommendations of the High Health Authority on the treatment of ADHD in children, to which you have contributed?

They fill a gap and are essential when we know that ADHD is the most common disorder in the field of neurodevelopment. French child psychiatry has long been inspired by psychoanalysis, which partly prevents the recognition of ADHD, as was the case with autism. Some professionals still use it, although it is declining in favour of a neurocognitive approach. In any case, it is an executable document that can guide the practice and organisation of care.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. ADHD in children: how to improve diagnosis and treatment

Why did you launch Occitadys?

Twenty years ago, neurodevelopmental disorders [TND] They are not taught in medicine, even though comorbidities reach 80%. So how can we make a diagnosis or coordinate care when the needs are real? For my part, I have been trained, but it is far from being a generality: according to the health professional consulted, it is the lottery of families.

Thanks to Article 51, we were able to create and finance a training structure recognised by the National Agency for Continuing Professional Development. [ANDPC]. Between 2021 and 2023, we trained 250 general practitioners and primary care paediatricians to diagnose simple ODD or to identify complex ADHD requiring referral to secondary care physicians. The aim is to do the same over the next two years, to reach 10% of trained doctors in the region. In addition, in Occitania we have 65 doctors specialising in ODD, including ADHD, which is huge. We also provide training in parenting guidance as well as in the initiation of pharmacological treatments for ADHD. A network is the guarantee of sharing common values, and that starts with speaking the same language.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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