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Action Plan Against Tyranny

Said Pedro Sanchez that “here in Spain we are facing disinformation and the mud machine” and that “our democracy is besieged by these campaigns of disinformation and hoaxes” and that is why he announced that “the Council of Ministers (sic) will approve the plan of action for democracy; a project that comes from our Constitution, which defends the right of citizens to truthful information, from the European Parliament and the European Commission. This plan, already announced before summer, just as the news that led to the indictment of his wife, Begoña Gómez, his brother, David Sánchez, and Koldo García, the right-hand man of his right-hand man, José Luis Ábalos, began to be published.

An action plan is not a reform of the Constitution, nor a new Penal Code. Pedro Sánchez knows it He doesn’t have the votes to do anything. In this legislature, the PSOE has already accumulated 34 lost votes in the plenary session of the Congress, being forced to govern without budgets and, as he said to the Federal Committee of the PSOE last Saturday 7, “we are going to govern with or without the help of the Legislative Power”. In the purest style Orwellian, Those that involve legislative reforms will not be able to apply and only the small reforms that he can carry out as a minority will see the light of day.

But freedom of expression and the right to information are fundamental rights included in Article 20 of our Constitution, which expressly recognizes that “the exercise of these rights cannot be restricted by any form of prior censorship,” as well as that “the seizure of publications, recordings and other means of information cannot be agreed upon by virtue of a judicial resolution. Thus, regardless of Pedro Sánchez’s wishes, neither the President of the Government nor any person designated by him can decide what is “true information” and what is not, this being an exclusively judicial competence, which gives us distinguishes itself from dictatorships and tyrannies communists and socialists.

During the press conference following the Council of Ministers, the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Felix Bolaños, announced that his government would propose a reform of the system to the Cortes right to honor and right to rectification; as well as another reform of the Penal Code to allow insults to the monarchy and against religious feelings. In other words, they will try to increase the fines against those who insult them, at the same time as the obstacles to insulting the King and the Church disappear. Let us hope that the Popular Party opposes this absurdity.

Then the Communist Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, specified that in his plan he envisages creating a register of media, with information on their owners and the investments in institutional advertising that they receive; They will oblige all public administrations to publish the distribution of their advertising investments between the media; They will reform the regulation of the professional secrecy of journalists; as well as Article 36.23 of the Law on the Protection of Citizens’ Security, to allow the publication of images and personal data of members of the security forces and bodies. One absurdity after another.

Deep down, Pedro Sánchez is nothing more than an apprentice tyrant who does not have the necessary votes to censor as he wishes the independent media that bother him, so he will try to stifle them economically trying to remove their institutional advertising. Let’s hope this Action Plan Against Tyranny is only the 35th vote he loses in Congress.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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